Del, you need to chill. You flew it once. In one BOB. Had success, now claim it's OP? I have flown it. A lot more than you, I'd wager. Over the years I've had successes with it in the LWA against late war monsters. I loved it so much I made 5 or 6 skins for it.
ANYTHING you're describing about the 110 can be done by ANY plane. Oh, so it's uber when the 110 keeps its speed and picks turn fighting spits? What about spits that keep their speed and pick 109Es that the hurricanes forced into a turn fight? I've played multiple BOBs and led one of them to victory. The 110 is a tool that can be used and its strengths are NOT its speed but rather its loitering ability. The 109s and 110s have the cannon option which RAF don't have in BOB. The 110 has a lot more ammo for theirs. That, alone, makes them useful. The 110 can't do what the spit can, but it can do it over England and stay up longer before it has to RTB. That is its power.
Seriously, this is a whole lot of fuss about a non-issue. Especially when 110s are so limited we'd be lucky to see a flight of even 6 of them during a scenario.
Further, your ad hominem attacks just show you don't have an argument other than "I said so! Anybody that disagrees is a jerk!"
I mean... seriously? Where the hell did that come from?