This is a real Honor to do this.
Listen up Allied Forces.
Pre-deployment Medical & Dental exams are Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday of next week. If you did not receive your rabies vaccinations, you WILL NOT deploy!
Pre-deployment Service Record Book review will take place in the Division Office on Thursday and Friday morning of next week.
Pre-deployment Operations Brief and legal (Last Will & Testament and Power of Attorneys) are scheduled for Friday afternoon.
An all hands formation and ceremony is scheduled at 16:00 on Friday. Immediately following formation, a 96 hour liberty call is scheduled.
Have your men & women get all affairs in order and be prepared to begin the lengthy process of a deployment. All workup and maintenance schedules will be strictly adhered to so we make our deployment on time.
Be prepared for the month of May to be informative. We will hold a (real) all hands formation around that last week of May prior to deployment.
After that, all COs are responsible for disseminating all information, briefings, & orders to their men.
Some simple house cleaning rules pertaining to awards I would like to go over for consideration. This will be further discussed in our forums once they are set up...
1. Most awards will be issued by the unit COs based on their recommendations to me.
2. Awards will be based on the real historical thing.
3. The Purple Heart. In order for a person to be awarded the Purple Heart as ALLIED for this event, you must present evidence (film) that you were injured and made it safely to the runway and survive it.
4. There will be a BF Medal. This is the medal you do NOT want. If the logs show you as the pilot that shot down a friendly, you will receive a BF medal. BF (Buddy Fudger). It is incentive to NOT shoot down a pilot.
Essentially, I would like to have a running tally of each week's event of unit and personal actions deserving of a medal or an award. Any squad or group can recommend another unit for an award based on that unit's actions and how they effected another unit's success.
I want to try to make this as fun as I can.
Also... There will be P38s! Does S.A.P.P. know yet??? They need to know!!!

In all seriousness. I am truly honored and excited to have the opportunity to lead Allies.
Looking forward to it!

P.S. I am looking for a XO. It will not be an easy job. But you will be responsible for every one having a great event!