What? After watching your film I saw nothing about complaining about assigned altitudes, escorts, what type of planes they may face or how fair it would be. Seems like those guys just took their assigned mission, did their best to hit the target and hopefully make it home. What a concept.

Unless someone else would really enjoy being CO, I will take the job, but there are more details to be worked out and cast in stone. If the write up doesn't change, we will need 14 pilots for two bomber groups. The 91st, and the 100th BG will each need 7, and if the missions are to be separated, we will need two GL's.
From the previous posts, I know Flossy and I will be in, DarkHorse and 1ijac showed interest and maybe CrashOrange. From previous scenarios, Tudza, Joker and Mato were solid, F77 flew as his ability allowed, Swoose and Wingflap did well as walk ons. If we can get those folks back into one of these gorgeous B-17 beauties. plus a couple more, I would be thrilled.
This is as good a place as any to be for the bomber thread, so if you, or any of your friend want to be hero's, sign in below, and when registration opens, we'll get you signed in there as well.
Check out the rules here, and if interested, volunteer below.
http://electraforge.com/brooke/flightsims/scenarios/201706_BigWeek/rules.html1. HB555 (Snoopy)