Meine Herren,
Einer von euch muss die Schlachtfahne des Deutschland aufheben und unsere Kräfte zum Sieg führen!
One of you must raise the battle banner of Germany and lead our forces to victory!All,
The AH Scenario team is looking for a Kommandeur to plan missions and represent the Axis side in the upcoming June 2017 "Big Week" scenario. There are really no special qualifications necessary. We all are looking to have someone that would be committed to the full four week event. In addition to the position immediately comes a decision. It is the only deciding factor left to be finalized in the scenario setup process.
The Axis commander will need to decide the final aircraft configuration;
Jg X has 8 190 A-8's
Jg Y has 8 190 A-5's
JG X has 4 190A-8's
JG Y has 4 190A-5's
JG Z has 8 190A-5's
Zg R has 4 110G-2's
We'd like to have the answer to this question by the time registration opens in the next week and a half, or so.

If a decision is not made on the current configuration prior to the opening of registration, the scenario team will make a "Best Fit" determination to keep the event on schedule.
Link to "Big Week 2017" setup
Thank you for your volunteerism. We are sure that the event will be a lot of fun for all. It will be even better when the Axis side has a strong leader figure to push the team to victory.
If you are interested please PM Brooke or Swareiam or post here and indicate that you are interested in the position.
Heil Deutschland!