Brooke, not interested in arguing with you, but you are missing the point

When the scenario forums were available, I announced it here:
"If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)",386761.0.html
Quote from: Rebel28 on Yesterday at 04:43:09 AM
Please add me. I am a B-17 gunner for the 91's Bomb Group
Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #23 on: Yesterday at 12:10:41 PM »
You're in Rebel.

Posted by: Rebel28
« on: Yesterday at 04:43:09 AM »
Insert Quote
Please add me. I am a B-17 gunner for the 91's Bomb Group
You have had half hour to day long lags between requests to be added to groups. Your new player, or less than active because of work and schedules have to hit the forum, scour the forums for instructions, wait for access to then get to see the forum. I'm not going to jump through that hoop and I know how it works, you want the casual player to do it? More power to you.
But, you are getting a lot of views, so I guess that's good. I'm trying to suggest to you that simpler would possibly convert those views, glances, into participation if it was a little, just a little bit less complicated and restrictive. But, hey, what do I know

Seems like quite a few steps for the CMs to undertake just to monitor the forums looking for people who want in, and a wasteful step for anyone who simply wants to follow the action. It's your time though. I'm not picking on the event, I'm just suggesting that simpler often times is actually better.