Author Topic: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)  (Read 3330 times)

Offline Dantoo

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2017, 05:09:45 AM »
What's Big Week then?  Haven't heard a thing about it.
I get really really tired of selective realism disguised as a desire to make bombers easier to kill.


Matthew 24:28 For wherever the carcass is, there is where the vultures gather together.

Offline Guppy35

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2017, 05:30:44 PM »
What's Big Week then?  Haven't heard a thing about it.

It's a place for Aussie P-47 pilots...hint hint
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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2017, 09:20:12 PM »
What's Big Week then?  Haven't heard a thing about it.

Big Week was a large strategic-bombing initiative of the US 8th Air Force in February, 1944.

The scenario themed on it runs each Saturday in June.  Show-Up Time is 3 pm Eastern in Special Events 2.

It's B-17's, P-47's, P-51B's, P-38's vs. 109G's and 190A's.

The writeup:


Dantoo, come fly with us on axis.  :aok

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2017, 09:49:06 AM »
What are the dates and times of each frame?
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Offline swareiam

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2017, 02:21:20 PM »
What are the dates and times of each frame?

Here is a link that contains the information you are seeking.

BIG WEEK Registration
AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
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Offline Dantoo

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2017, 06:07:16 AM »
My hint wasn't strong enough apparently.  Never did get to see a forum or hear any more about it.  I guess if we keep these scenarios hidden away we won't be pestered so much with people flying in them.
I get really really tired of selective realism disguised as a desire to make bombers easier to kill.


Matthew 24:28 For wherever the carcass is, there is where the vultures gather together.

Offline swareiam

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2017, 06:25:33 AM »
My hint wasn't strong enough apparently.  Never did get to see a forum or hear any more about it.  I guess if we keep these scenarios hidden away we won't be pestered so much with people flying in them.


You have been added to the Big Week general forum. Most of the chatter on this event has been in the "Scenario General Forum".  Still there for you to review. If you'd like to state a side preference we can get you into the appropriate sides forum.

Just let us know.

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline Rebel28

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2017, 06:43:09 AM »
Please add me. I am a B-17 gunner for the 91's Bomb Group
4th Fighter Group
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Offline swareiam

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2017, 02:10:41 PM »
Please add me. I am a B-17 gunner for the 91's Bomb Group

You're in Rebel.

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
Aces High Scenario, FSO, and Combat Challenge Teams
Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. General Colin Powell

Offline Brooke

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2017, 08:19:56 PM »
My hint wasn't strong enough apparently.  Never did get to see a forum or hear any more about it.  I guess if we keep these scenarios hidden away we won't be pestered so much with people flying in them.

I started a topic in March for players to pick what the June scenario was to be:
"Vote on what will be the June, 2017 Scenario",386065.0.html

Once players picked, I started a topic in April for discussion of the design:
"June, 2017 Scenario design discussion",386439.0.html

The design went through 11 versions from April through May.

When I got a volunteer for allied CO, I announced it here in April:
"And the allied CO for Big Week is . . . ",386478.0.html

When I got a volunteer for axis CO, I announced in April:
"And the axis CO for Big Week is . . .",386743.0.html

In April, I opened registration and announced it here:
"Registration for "Big Week" (June) scenario is open",386744.0.html

When the scenario forums were available, I announced it here:
"If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)",386761.0.html

Then, I started to spam the message boards with various topics telling people about Big Week, promoting it, and asking them to register, keeping various of them fresh near top of topic list by posting to them occastionally with new content (new pictures, new entreaties to join up, etc.) such as:,386795.msg5143577.html#msg5143577,386910.msg5143583.html#msg5143583,387061.msg5145578.html#msg5145578,387253.msg5146972.html#msg5146972,387252.msg5147400.html#msg5147400,386699.msg5142349.html#msg5142349

I put it into the June calendar here:

I mentioned it every time I was in the MA.

I asked all players to talk it up in the MA and for GL's to recruit.

I sent out e-mail to every e-mail address I have from the last 2 years of scenarios.

Offline Brooke

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2017, 08:50:10 PM »
What I really would like is ability to promote scenarios on the AH MA arena message, which players see when they log in.

I've asked, but I so far don't have ability to do that.

Lots of players never look at the message board at all, so unless they know someone who tells them about it, they have no idea.  I'd like to reach those players.  Right now, all I can do is talk up scenarios when I'm in the MA and ask other players to do the same.  It would be more effective to have an arena message that they see.

Offline Dantoo

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2017, 05:51:04 AM »
OK I get it you've tried hard but I still didn't know it was starting and wait for it.........nobody else in my squad did either.  We were alerted by the announcement in Combat Challenge.

I don't do a lot of Bulletin Board.  I don't read scenario general as a rule.
I have relied on direct contact through the BBS and/or email.  I have heard quite a bit of news about "The Longest Day".  Pretty much nought for this one.  I did get pointed at the rules by a pm a few months ago but paid no attention at the time to the date.

I inevitably kick into action when the "General" forum goes up.  Why has it been invisible?  Is their any advantage to hiding it?
Having to register before being able to see a General forum seems to be a nonsense from this far away.

Anyways please allow me to see the Axis forum if they'll accept me at this stage.  I've started there so will continue.
I get really really tired of selective realism disguised as a desire to make bombers easier to kill.


Matthew 24:28 For wherever the carcass is, there is where the vultures gather together.

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2017, 12:31:05 PM »
I inevitably kick into action when the "General" forum goes up.  Why has it been invisible?  Is their any advantage to hiding it?
Having to register before being able to see a General forum seems to be a nonsense from this far away.

No advantage at all.  In fact, I worked last weekend, might be free this weekend, working the next.  There is nothing on the forums to catch the casual observer, no after action discussions to capture the interest of those who might be looking for the first time. 
No idea at all what the progress is, how the fights going, nothing. No feel for the fight, no stories and banter to draw in anyone from the outside. Which leads to my upcoming free Saturday.  With absolutely no idea how the event is going as a casual observer, there is Zero interest for me to walk into something.  Seems like you have a shrinking audience and I'm unsure why you further isolated the event.  To each his own though. Hope it's going well.
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline Brooke

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2017, 02:04:07 PM »
Anyways please allow me to see the Axis forum if they'll accept me at this stage.  I've started there so will continue.

all set  :aok

Offline Brooke

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Re: If you can't see "Big Week General" forum (available to all players)
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2017, 02:37:59 PM »
For people who do read the message board, we do have that covered reasonably well.  Above, I give the links to the large amount of material posted, which gathered over 5000 views in total.

For people who do not read the message board, we do not have that covered.

That is where the meat is because the majority of AH players do not read the message board.

I would love some effective way to push info to them.

We don't have that.

We must utilize players talking it up in the MA and personally asking other players to to join us via MA PM or via MA vox.