Author Topic: Player numbers down?  (Read 22774 times)

Offline cav58d

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #135 on: May 14, 2017, 09:39:32 AM »
Fugitive, you can't point fingers at anyone for sinking a CV.  There was never a point in this game where players have "for the sake of the fight" allowed the ship to sail.

As stated earlier, the problem in our little World War II combat flight simulator, is the go-to vehicle has become the GV.  And this is coming from someone who GVs on the regular, check my stats.

In addition to the recommendations I made a couple posts ago I'd like to add one more.

Make GV's manual transmission like they were in 07.  Get rid of number 1 pan view, and only allow the tank to be steerable from the drivers seat and possibly the turret.

GV's absolutely have a place in Aces High but there needs to be some challengers for the sake of balance.

Edit:  Reduce the amount of troops an M3 can hold to 6.  Base capture via GV would now require 2 M3's or a single M3's and 2 jeeps.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 09:53:16 AM by cav58d »
<S> Lyme

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #136 on: May 14, 2017, 10:04:14 AM »
GVs are not the go to vehicle.  On average only about 25% of players "in flight" are in GVs.  (On maps that are good for GV action the number can reach 35%; on maps bad for GVs it can fall towards 0%.)

Some people are in GVs because they enjoy it.  If you get rid of GVs or make them tiresome to use, those people will just leave.  So your approach to increasing the number of players is to get rid of about a quarter of them.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #137 on: May 14, 2017, 10:49:51 AM »
Not understanding and not agreeing are two different things. You tend to argue authoritatively instead of logically. For instance in this thread you've already stated 'I understand furballs better than anybody'. How do you know some people don't understand equally - or better? Even if they do does that mean they uniquely know how to increase player numbers?

I myself don't follow your logic at all how the DA or lack of a more streamlined alternative is responsible for all the evils of AH. The DA worked just fine for me and many others in AH2. Largely as a community in itself but also many of the top sticks would drop into the lake, new players, derusting players. Numbers have reduced significantly across the board and the DA was the first to feel it.

Just for an alternative I did suggest recently that the TA be made free:-,386932.0.html

It's unclear even to me how the new DA works in AH3. I made a free account and while I could go to the furbal bases and select a plane I was unable to take off. I'm assuming the arena settings have changed?

Before suggesting an architectural restructuring, perhaps consider a new player's perspective looking at the official webpage. If you go to the homepage and click on game info, arenas you get this:-
Explaining in needless detail how the AH2 arenas were disposed. In fact it's even the old version of that, explaining the coloured splits of the multiple MAs. What's that three years out of date? Four?

There's a lot of diversity in beliefs and activities and there should be. You are assuming everyone wants to spend years learning the intricacies of ACM. You must have observed some people play for the challenge / self-development, some for results. To some the game is a serious ego-aligning tool, for others it's just light entertainment. Accomodating everyone would seem to me a more logical way to maximise player numbers.

More players? I don't disagree with proposing alternate arenas, even providing a spectrum of these won't fill them though.

I do know furballs better than most. I have experience, kills, score, and I post the #s in the combat Challenge ( a giant furball) to prove it. I understand how this game works and have fought and played with the best in the game who have left because of bordem and lack of action. I know what's wrong, besides the strats issue, and it's Time along with Maps. The player #s will increase when action is easier and quicker to find. It's that simple. So many players have come to check out AH3 from the old days, and nothing has changed, they fly around aimlessly for 25 -30 minutes per one sortie and are lucky to get a few kills without getting ganged by 5. It takes too much time for lack of reward and it's too hard for most who don't take it to the extreme.

Why can't you guys wrap your heads around the failure of the DA lake? Literally no one uses it anymore. That's the problem. You want #s to magically increase by saying you want #s to increase, but then can't understand why the #s have not increased. Where is your logic? Obviously the arena has not been successful because people don't enjoy fighting in the lake. You still have to spend 10 minutes getting to the middle of the DA lake. That's boring. That's not what I am insisting that we do. This lake Does Not Work BECAUSE NO ONE IS IN THERE!! That's a sure reason to say some things need to be adjusted. Lets not forget about the water that caused people to stop playing there, since it was all water with no depth perception. Saying we have one, but no one uses it, so therefore people don't want quick action, is a poor excuse, when so many things can be fixed. It's simply a bad design. Back then people were concerned about learning air combat and could join H2H or the DA to find some quick fights. Now there is no place to besides the TA, where you have to request training. That's not what I am talking about. We need an arena where people don't have to jump through hoops and talk to people to find action. I want a battle royal arena bowl over a cool terrain. It works. You will be damned surprised.
There really isn't any harm in creating one either, so I don't understand why you all are so opposed to it.

You say #s have decreased across the board but are affraid to try anything new. Affraid to try something very easy, and something that is very fun for players. But you can't understand why #s have decreased. I'm trying my damnedest to get you to understand why, but you guys cannot connect the dots and provide no solutions besides Cav (which had good points, especially about GVs) . Boring, slow, game play.

The TA is cool for players who want to take the game a little more seriously. It's great for players who want to learn 1v1 action. It's not great for players who want quick action furball fights when they only have 15-20 minutes to play the game. You could make the TA free, but the type of arena that it is, and the lack of trainers in there, don't really provide any action for a player just checking out the arena. Hell, some people don't even know how to use the radio in their first week. A combat bowl arena is the best option and will allow players to find action without having to do much. There are so many better solutions than what we have now. What we have now doesn't work well to hook new players who want to get involved in fighter action. The MA is too slow for new players, and DA Lake is just too big.

The funny thing is hitech has made an arena specifically catered towards people who want instant action. IE -Match Play. It's disguised under the name Dueling Arena. I really can't see violaters point here. His direction is like "I know what's best for this game, listen to me" but what he's wanting is already here it's called match play.

Nope, see you don't get it either. It's amazing how you guys don't see my vision, but then can't comprehend why it's not working and why #s arent increasing.

The DA  match play is cool. I'm not taking anything away from that. Here's what you are not getting. It takes at least 2 players to have a DA match. You have to go around and ask people to go to the DA with you. New players don't know anyone, and sure as hell aren't going to ask a random player to go DA with them, becuase they don't even understand the DA in the first place. Secondly, the DA is not filled because a player has to wait until the other players are ready, before the fight can begin. Again, that's awesome when people know what they are doing, it doesn't work for new people. They will go to the DA, see no one there, and leave. No one is going to sit there until enough players join the DA.

A simple FFA fast action bowl arena would attract people much more easily. They can choose their plane. See the action in a sector big map, spawn at 3K, and instantly be apart of the action. The #s would build up much easier here than in the DA. You dont have to ask or wait. More players will join this arena because it's so easy to find action. You will know where the action is on a 1 sector arena. I'm talking something similar to a KOTH arena with a few more bases. Once a few people get in there, the fights will pick up. This concept would work much better than the current Da lake. The reason why the lake is a failure is because of distance and team play that limits players you can fight agaisnt, and causes gangs. The DA map is also just too big for people to understand.

The DA map should also just get rid of the DA lake, and renamed Match Play.

There should be. Separate arena all together that is for furballing. Which is what I am suggesting.

The main page should be

Main Arena
Training arena
Match play dueling arena
FFA fighter bowl

These 4 on the front page would attract #s.

The custom arenas will start to get more populated when smaller maps are created.

  My idea would work a hell of a lot better and actually get results. I guarantee it.

So are you looking for duels or furballs?

As nrshida said, the DA is setup as match play and you can have 1v1 2v2 or more flight after flight. The old DA WAS a furball setup and you say that doesnt work, so why set it up again?

If your looking for a MA were you can have fights in piece with out others jumping in, forget it. None of this is going to increase fighting or make better play in the game. The game is what it is due to the way "most" players play it. Years ago the players were more into fighting for a base, think the BOPs, the LTARS, and the 444th Air Mafia. Those days there were lots of fights because that is what the majority of players wanted. Score was unimportant, and it was all about the fight. Today the player mentality is more geared toward the kill count (HOs for the WIN!) quick base grabs to roll the map and win the war.

Late last night there was only about 100 players in the MA. Knits and Bish were fighting over bases on the west side of the map (bish had the numbers and a small ENY). Us poor Rooks had nothing to fight. LilMak and I hit the Bish field on the east side of the lake as our CV was closing in. This made the Bish nervous as all hell and they came across the lake to defend. YAAAAAA!!! a fight. Out numbered 2 to 1 we valiant Rooks pressed on! 10 minutes later the Bish sank the CV and everyone left to continue to fight the Knits.

They used the quickest easiest way to STOP a fight  :rolleyes: then went back to grabbing bases from the Knits. The majority of players dont want to fight today. We need more players, hopefully some of those WILL want to fight.

I am looking for FFA quick drop furball bowl arena action.  This would actually work in getting more people interested in fighting and interested in the flight model. It would go along way to promote fighter combat understanding and provide a smaller arena for people to figure out the game. No scoring would go a long way to promote action and not greedy game play. There wouldn't be gang up teams. There wouldn't be base ack and 15K tempest. It would be a great place to figure out the fighters, maybe a place to work on new planes, and just a place to let off some steam.. the majoirity of players do want a fight, but the MA has all types of action, and people take it more seriously.  In this arena it would just be based on fighting and action. This is what I'm talking about Fugitive. If you get tired of Bombers constantly taking down the CV or FHs, ruining your fights, then wouldn't you have fun being able to go to arena that only promotes fighter action? I think it would be great. Many people would still play in the MA, and nothing would be takin from it. I'm simply just figuring out a way to make the game overall more fun for more types of players. This will attract an increase players because it would keep them in the game fighting, instead of logging off after the other team kills the fight in the MA.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 11:47:38 AM by DmonSlyr »
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Offline cav58d

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #138 on: May 14, 2017, 10:54:48 AM »
GVs are not the go to vehicle.  On average only about 25% of players "in flight" are in GVs.  (On maps that are good for GV action the number can reach 35%; on maps bad for GVs it can fall towards 0%.)

Some people are in GVs because they enjoy it.  If you get rid of GVs or make them tiresome to use, those people will just leave.  So your approach to increasing the number of players is to get rid of about a quarter of them.

As a GVer I would appreciate the challenge.  And let me re-phrase, GV's are the vehicle of choice for base captures.  Even when there isn't a vehicle spawn I've seen more base captures via 45 minute M3 drives then flying a goon.

BF110 was such an awesome plane back in 2007, but who needs it anymore when you can just take an M4 rocket tank to town while in stealth mode and with impunity to ack.

Make some changes to the GV's and the game gets better.

Focus efforts on updating things like the SBD and the main arena will further become a ghost town.


<S> Lyme

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #139 on: May 14, 2017, 11:08:43 AM »
the use of the 110 is not an efficient vehicle without, say 5-7 guys.  also, the noe raid that fit the 110 perfectly was neutered around the time numbers started dropping.  coincidence?  :headscratch: fighter jocks complain about lame noe gets restricted...people leave.  :headscratch:

Offline Lusche

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #140 on: May 14, 2017, 11:18:34 AM »
  also, the noe raid that fit the 110 perfectly was neutered around the time numbers started dropping. 

Was it? :)
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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #141 on: May 14, 2017, 11:37:17 AM »
Lack of maps is a real problem.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am tremendously disappointed that after returning from a ten year break there are not at least 20 maps in rotation.  It takes time, I know.  Bustr has been working on his map for many months, right?  Bustr  likely has a full time job and Isn't working on the map 9-5.  I don't understand why HTC isn't doing this?

Strats are an issue.  They should be extremely difficult to hit and just as hard to supp.  Make them high risk, high effort for a high reward.  Take away the GV spawns.

Speaking of GV's, they are definitely changing the game and I'm not sure it's for the better.  Absolutely no reason to launch a goon when nearly all the fields have a spawn for bum rush of stealth M3's running at full speed to a town that was one pass white flagged by lancs.  The MA has become an arcade game, long live FSO.

That sums it up right there.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #142 on: May 14, 2017, 11:47:18 AM »
I do know furballs better than most. I have experience, kills, score, and I post the #s in the combat Challenge ( a giant furball) to prove it. I understand how this game works and have fought and played with the best in the game who have left because of bordem and lack of action. I know what's wrong, besides the strats issue, and it's Time along with Maps. The player #s will increase when action is easier and quicker to find. It's that simple. So many players have come to check out AH3 from the old days, and nothing has changed, they fly around aimlessly for 25 -30 minutes per one sortie and are lucky to get a few kills without getting ganged by 5. It takes too much time for lack of reward and it's too hard for most who don't take it to the extreme.

Why can't you guys wrap your heads around the failure of the DA lake? Literally no one uses it anymore. That's the problem. You want #s to magically increase by saying you want #s to increase, but then can't understand why the #s have not increased. Where is your logic? Obviously the arena has not been successful because people don't enjoy fighting in the lake. You still have to spend 10 minutes getting to the middle of the DA lake. That's boring. That's not what I am insisting that we do. This lake Does Not Work BECAUSE NO ONE IS IN THERE!! That's a sure reason to say some things need to be adjusted. Lets not forget about the water that caused people to stop playing there, since it was all water with no depth perception. Saying we have one, but no one uses it, so therefore people don't want quick action, is a poor excuse, when so many things can be fixed. It's simply a bad design. Back then people were concerned about learning air combat and could join H2H or the DA to find some quick fights. Now there is no place to besides the TA, where you have to request training. That's not what I am talking about. We need an arena where people don't have to jump through hoops and talk to people to find action. I want a battle royal arena bowl over a cool terrain. It works. You will be damned surprised.
There really isn't any harm in creating one either, so I don't understand why you all are so opposed to it.

You say #s have decreased across the board but are affraid to try anything new. Affraid to try something very easy, and something that is very fun for players. But you can't understand why #s have decreased. I'm trying my damnedest to get you to understand why, but you guys cannot connect the dots and provide no solutions besides Cav (which had good points, especially about GVs) . Boring, slow, game play.

The TA is cool for players who want to take the game a little more seriously. It's great for players who want to learn 1v1 action. It's not great for players who want quick action furball fights when they only have 15-20 minutes to play the game. You could make the TA free, but the type of arena that it is, and the lack of trainers in there, don't really provide any action for a player just checking out the arena. Hell, some people don't even know how to use the radio in their first week. A combat bowl arena is the best option and will allow players to find action without having to do much. There are so many better solutions than what we have now. What we have now doesn't work well to hook new players who want to get involved in fighter action. The MA is too slow for new players, and DA Lake is just too big.

Nope, see you don't get it either. It's amazing how you guys don't see my vision, but then can't comprehend why it's not working and why #s arent increasing.

The DA  match play is cool. I'm not taking anything away from that. Here's what you are not getting. It takes at least 2 players to have a DA match. You have to go around and ask people to go to the DA with you. New players don't know anyone, and sure as hell aren't going to ask a random player to go DA with them, becuase they don't even understand the DA in the first place. Secondly, the DA is not filled because a player has to wait until the other players are ready, before the fight can begin. Again, that's awesome when people know what they are doing, it doesn't work for new people. They will go to the DA, see no one there, and leave. No one is going to sit there until enough players join the DA.

A simple FFA fast action bowl arena would attract people much more easily. They can choose their plane. See the action in a sector big map, spawn at 3K, and instantly be apart of the action. The #s would build up much easier here than in the DA. You dont have to ask or wait. More players will join this arena because it's so easy to find action. You will know where the action is on a 1 sector arena. I'm talking something similar to a KOTH arena with a few more bases. Once a few people get in there, the fights will pick up. This concept would work much better than the current Da lake. The reason why the lake is a failure is because of distance and team play that limits players you can fight agaisnt, and causes gangs. The DA map is also just too big for people to understand.

The DA map should also just get rid of the DA lake, and renamed Match Play.

There should be. Separate arena all together that is for furballing. Which is what I am suggesting.

The main page should be

Main Arena
Match play dueling arena
FFA fighter bowl

These three on the front page would attract #s.

  My idea would work a hell of a lot better and actually get results. I guarantee it.

I am looking for FFA quick drop furball bowl arena action.  This would actually work in getting more people interested in fighting and interested in the flight model. It would go along way to promote fighter combat understanding and provide a smaller arena for people to figure out the game. No scoring would go a long way to promote action and not greedy game play. There wouldn't be gang up teams. There wouldn't be base ack and 15K tempest. It would be a great place to figure out the fighters, maybe a place to work on new planes, and just a place to let off some steam.. the majoirity of players do want a fight, but the MA has all types of action, and people take it more seriously.  In this arena it would just be based on fighting and action. This is what I'm talking about Fugitive. If you get tired of Bombers constantly taking down the CV or FHs, ruining your fights, then wouldn't you have fun being able to go to arena that only promotes fighter action? I think it would be great. Many people would still play in the MA, and nothing would be takin from it. I'm simply just figuring out a way to make the game overall more fun for more types of players. This will attract an increase players because it would keep them in the game fighting, instead of logging off after the other team kills the fight in the MA.

I just checked and to up and run to the center of the lake was less than 2 minutes..... 10 minute, wrong.

I think your miss remembering a lot of stuff. You had fun in fights back then and didn't look at anything else in the game. To you that means EVERYBODY wants only to fight in fighters. Trust me, they dont.

You can test this out right now. You can open a custom arena and publish the heck out of it. BBS post with the times your going to have it open. Jump in the MA and announce that you are opening one in 15 minutes all fighters welcome! like they use to do to load a mission, announce it every minute or so. Open your FFA arena and see who shows. I think you will be very surprised at how few do show.

Building a map for a "new" arena takes time, months easily. Then how are you going to populate it? Players are not going to magically show up and start furballing.  The same as with the MA, there has to be an active advertising blast. That is what is so good about Stream. It is a place that many gamers go looking for games to play, all very centralized. AH needs to get their name out there better. They are a niche game hidden in a corner.

HTC needs to print up a bunch of Tshirts. "You too can fly a WARBIRD!" "Ask me about AH!" Printed on the back. They can sell them at cost to players who then wear them to all the Airshows they will visit this summer.   

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #143 on: May 14, 2017, 11:56:36 AM »
I just checked and to up and run to the center of the lake was less than 2 minutes..... 10 minute, wrong.

I think your miss remembering a lot of stuff. You had fun in fights back then and didn't look at anything else in the game. To you that means EVERYBODY wants only to fight in fighters. Trust me, they dont.

You can test this out right now. You can open a custom arena and publish the heck out of it. BBS post with the times your going to have it open. Jump in the MA and announce that you are opening one in 15 minutes all fighters welcome! like they use to do to load a mission, announce it every minute or so. Open your FFA arena and see who shows. I think you will be very surprised at how few do show.

Building a map for a "new" arena takes time, months easily. Then how are you going to populate it? Players are not going to magically show up and start furballing.  The same as with the MA, there has to be an active advertising blast. That is what is so good about Stream. It is a place that many gamers go looking for games to play, all very centralized. AH needs to get their name out there better. They are a niche game hidden in a corner.

HTC needs to print up a bunch of Tshirts. "You too can fly a WARBIRD!" "Ask me about AH!" Printed on the back. They can sell them at cost to players who then wear them to all the Airshows they will visit this summer.

I do agree with you on a marketing strategy don't get me wrong. But the game also needs to be marketed within itself, and keep players in the game, rather than go somewhere else.

To your second part about custom maps. There aren't many that have been built yet. AH2 had so many great small maps. Smog 8 for example. But they are all gone. Maps that are designed for 10-20 players need to be very small. Maybe 2 sectors max.

Also, there was a dueling map that was created where players could spawn into the duel was a great concept. This map was taking off with popularity. Now it is gone. I seriously thing another one can easily be created in about the span of 4 hours. All you really need is 4 bases, 10 random Air spawns, on a little Island. That's it!

The custom maps will maybe gain some popularity once there are better maps that aren't incredibly huge. Thats really the way I see it!

The issue with DA lake is water, teams, gangs, boring fighting scenery, 5K bases, it's just not exciting, and fighting over that much water is weird on the eyes!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 11:59:49 AM by DmonSlyr »
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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #144 on: May 14, 2017, 12:07:27 PM »
I know what's wrong, besides the strats issue, and it's Time along with Maps. The player #s will increase when action is easier and quicker to find. It's that simple.

It is not that simple. There are multiple factors and variables, some external to the game which you don’t address at all. Some problem domains have no internal solutions.

I'm trying my damnedest to get you to understand why, but you guys cannot connect the dots…

I’m not disputing you are convinced you’re right, that’s apparent. I’m saying you aren’t making a convincing argument or supplying evidence to support your claims. You’re just implying others don’t understand (as well as you do) when people don’t accept your assertions. Perhaps they understand better in fact. Are you able to consider that?

Why can't you guys wrap your heads around the failure of the DA lake? Literally no one uses it anymore.

There are any number of reasonable possibilities why that is now empty. I still don’t understand your assertion that MA players flow directly from initiation, through the DA and into the MA. That is not my experience at all. 10 minutes to the centre of the lake? Are we even discussing the same place?

Nope, see you don't get it either. It's amazing how you guys don't see my vision,

My idea would work a hell of a lot better and actually get results. I guarantee it.

A dogma is an unsupported tenet or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. That’s all you’re doing at this point Violator.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 12:10:34 PM by nrshida »
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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #145 on: May 14, 2017, 12:14:15 PM »
It's amazing how you guys don't see my vision

I think I can see your vision.  :old:

I also think it's a very flawed and incorrect one  :neener:
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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #146 on: May 14, 2017, 12:15:00 PM »
Another thing that would go a very long way in promoting action in AH would be to update the Arena Message every week regarding special events going on. There are some people who don't even know they exist and never go on the forums. It would be great to know all the events and what time they are that week!
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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #147 on: May 14, 2017, 12:24:20 PM »
I think I can see your vision.  :old:

I also think it's a very flawed and incorrect one  :neener:

Well, the inaction that you guys persist is great and wonderful, is actually causing a decline in growth of #s. Where as my assertions of game play psychology and flight undertsanding of AH maps,  would actually make the overall game more enjoyable for more types of players, and could keep them in the game to subscribe and continue learning. Therefore I believe all of your guys arguements are flawed. 

Edited for adding "maps"

« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 12:28:33 PM by DmonSlyr »
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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #148 on: May 14, 2017, 12:26:53 PM »
Well, the inaction that you guys persist is great and wonderful, is actually causing a decline in growth of #s. Where as my assertions of game play psychology and flight undertsanding of AH,  would actually make the overall game more enjoyable for more types of players, and could keep them in the game to subscribe and continue learning. Therefore I believe all of your guys arguements are flawed.

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Re: Player numbers down?
« Reply #149 on: May 14, 2017, 01:00:30 PM »

Happy Friday Pipz!
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