I can use it but need a barf-bag.
YUP! Do you guys remember the "Sit-n- Spins"? If you stared at a spot on the ceiling and spun as hard as you could, seemed the dizzy lasted forever! Come to think about it, I haven't seen one of those in years. Guess they went extinct like "Lawn Darts"! Oh, when in the 37 mms on bases,you can spin a lot faster

Good thing is, just like a Sit-n-spin, if you reverse the direction you will equal out faster!!! Kids today are missing out on some cool stuff! I know, I know...their stuff is way more exciting than Atari would be if released today but It was the bomb back in the day! I had fastest thumb in the world in Asteroids! Dad could take a good nap while I was on my turn

Funny thing is, I feel like he did, with my son on "Call of Duty" on PlayStation lol