Not sure where this has any bearing either. If the Luftwaffe was been given more advanced aircraft for the event than were available in the real battle, why even mention it. The Luftwaffe has a bunch of F-8s and enough G-14s to make a difference. So what is the issue now?
You do realize our G-6 is an early build of Spring '43 and not very representative of what was at the front in June of '44, similar to out Spit 9 being the earliest of the type, right?
You should also know that the G-14 designation was an attempt to make standard of all the improvements made to the G-6 since it's introduction, and thus a late build G-6 from June '44 would be identical to a G-14 in July.
And furthermore, you should know that we do not have the A/S variant of the G-6 in AH to represent the 109's with capable performance at altitude. These were also present in June '44.
A better balance would have the G-6 and Spit9 in equal numbers and no limit on the G-14's.