The two charts conflict Arlo. Presumably the picture chart is featuring the F-35A? The graph shows the F-35B to be nearly 50% more expensive is that accurate?
"In 2011, Lockheed Martin executive vice president Tom Burbage and former Pentagon director of operational testing Tom Christie stated that most program delays were due to the F-35B,
which forced massive redesigns of other versions".
"USMC Lt. Gen. Robert Schmidle has said that the
vertical lift components would only be used "a small percentage of the time" to transfer the aircraft from carriers to land bases".
"Lockheed Martin Vice President Steve O’Bryan has said that most F-35B landings will be conventional to reduce stress on vertical lift components. These conventional mode takeoffs and landings cause an "unacceptable wear rate" to
the aircraft's "poorly designed" tires".
"The Marines plan to use the F-35B from "unimproved surfaces at austere bases" but
with "special, high-temperature concrete designed to handle the heat".

You can't make this s*** up!