What you want to know is how Country-1, Country-2, Country-3 was laid out by the terrain builder in the terrain editor. The first field he chooses to tag as A1 will be bishops and he can choose where he starts it. Offline if you pull up the clipboard map it will show you the original terrain builder layout of the three countries. And yes each time the terrain comes up in rotation online the countries are randomly rotated. That does not change the borders laid out by the terrain builder in the terrain editor. Offline you will see those borders.
Interesting wish, Waffle or one of the terrain building team could be asked to open each terrain in the terrain editor. Then make a map with icons and grid lines enabled. It would produce a clipboard map file with field icons in the three colors used for the three countries in the terrain editor. From there I don't know what would be the best way to make it available to players. But, by the difference in colored icons you would see what the borders of the countries are.