Here are the release notes for Aces High III Version 3.02 Patch 9.
/********************** version 3.02 patch 9************************/
1. Added an option to disable hands in VR.
2. Made a dynamic lighting adjustment to help things which have lots of pure black like tank and
bomb sights.
3. In VR mode, if you remove your head set the game will switch to none-VR mode, and back when you
put your head set back on. This can be disabled in the VR setup.
4. Removing your head set now allows you to size the VR mirror window.
3. Changed the graphic default detail settings for VR.
4. The tile screen window size settings file when in VR mode is now named VR_winsize.cfg.
5. Fixed a tail hook issue on the FM2 and F4F4.
6. Removed some trees, in a building, at the refinery.
7. Released the updated B5N2 model.
8. Upgraded the HTC Vive to openvr_api version 1.0.10.