Step 1. Drive them out of the game, they don't play like you want them to.
Step 2. Complain the numbers are down because there aren't any fights because Hitech something something.
Step 1. Ill dumpster you even though you think you know something about ACM in any ride.
Step 2. Where did I say at all it was the fault of the Bish for not having a fight....watch the vid...count how many times they had a enemy plane up vs when a man gun was shooting....
Lack of players willing to up an actual defense is not Hitechs fault...I never said that you B grade trainer....I do think Hi-tech could do something about it by nerfing resupply of towns...
Cake eater.

I guess you didn't notice the teamwork, that prevented said combat, so the fields could be taken. ACM doesn't win wars. Combined arms does. One requires coordination, the other not so much. Things like strategically taking down VH's, deacking fields, air superiority, ground forces moving in on time.
As a veteran of war, real war, that's what combat looks like..
First, I have plenty of real life combat experience and your right you do set the fight prior to put the boots on the ground in the least amount of risk possible.
But combat happens because most enemy aren't afraid to die for what they believe in...in Aces High...the players are too scared to die in a video game.
Not saying it is your fault there isn't a fight...Knights should have done more to counter you guys...few high P51s would have shredded your jabbos good and proper and created a fight....unless you guys started peak a boo hoarding then I'd call you out on that.