Author Topic: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17  (Read 4029 times)

Offline germ

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Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« on: September 17, 2017, 01:03:25 PM »
Folks always posting dog fights and furballs, so I thought I'd record some full length missions, showing the teamwork of the Bish.  It does happen occasionally.

We Bish were out for revenge after the map rotation, we rallied the Bish horde and proceeded to roll 5 Nit bases in the course of the first hour. I recorded the Bish horde, working together, Ghi running his missions and everyone else supporting. I quit recording once we started going after Rook bases. I logged after we took our first Rook base, so not sure how the night turned out.

This is the first video taking our first Nit base. A Niki and Tutu raid set up by Ghi.  If you guys want me, I can post the other videos. They are currently processing while I take the kids out skating..

First mission..

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2017, 07:34:27 PM »

Offline germ

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2017, 09:20:43 PM »

Offline Kanth

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2017, 07:14:03 AM »
I enjoyed these. I like the quality of them. It reminded me of a diaorama or something. Pretty cool.  :aok  :cheers:
Gone from the game. Please see Spikes or Nefarious for any admin needs.

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2017, 09:44:47 AM »
I saw a lack of combat....looked like a bunch of shooting buildings and back guns and looking for M3s going to town.
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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2017, 09:58:26 AM »
Folks always posting dog fights and furballs, so I thought I'd record some full length missions...


I saw a lack of combat....looked like a bunch of shooting buildings and back guns and looking for M3s going to town.

Step 1. Drive them out of the game, they don't play like you want them to.

Step 2. Complain the numbers are down because there aren't any fights because Hitech something something.

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2017, 10:27:47 AM »
I saw a lack of combat....


I guess you didn't notice the teamwork, that prevented said combat, so the fields could be taken. ACM doesn't win wars. Combined arms does. One requires coordination, the other not so much. Things like strategically taking down VH's, deacking fields, air superiority, ground forces moving in on time.

As a veteran of war, real war, that's what combat looks like..

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2017, 11:24:00 AM »

Step 1. Drive them out of the game, they don't play like you want them to.

Step 2. Complain the numbers are down because there aren't any fights because Hitech something something.
Step 1. Ill dumpster you even though you think you know something about ACM in any ride.

Step 2. Where did I say at all it was the fault of the Bish for not having a the vid...count how many times they had a enemy plane up vs when a man gun was shooting....

Lack of players willing to up an actual defense is not Hitechs fault...I never said that you B grade trainer....I do think Hi-tech could do something about it by nerfing resupply of towns...

Cake eater.


I guess you didn't notice the teamwork, that prevented said combat, so the fields could be taken. ACM doesn't win wars. Combined arms does. One requires coordination, the other not so much. Things like strategically taking down VH's, deacking fields, air superiority, ground forces moving in on time.

As a veteran of war, real war, that's what combat looks like..
First, I have plenty of real life combat experience and your right you do set the fight prior to put the boots on the ground in the least amount of risk possible.

But combat happens because most enemy aren't afraid to die for what they believe Aces High...the players are too scared to die in a video game.

Not saying it is your fault there isn't a fight...Knights should have done more to counter you guys...few high P51s would have shredded your jabbos good and proper and created a fight....unless you guys started peak a boo hoarding then I'd call you out on that.
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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2017, 12:04:26 PM »
Step 3. Marginalize anyone who disagrees with you.

I tell people what they need to know. That generally means starting with the basics. Even if they just want one trick for one aircraft, it's good if they understand why it works.

I like to think Serenity had a little epiphany in flight school when they covered the turn circle, post, and entry window. In any case he knows what they are and how to use them. 

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2017, 01:08:15 PM »

First, I have plenty of real life combat experience and your right you do set the fight prior to put the boots on the ground in the least amount of risk possible.

I'm thinking a Pogue huh? I was attached armor support for Task Force 20 in Iraq.

But combat happens because most enemy aren't afraid to die for what they believe Aces High...the players are too scared to die in a video game.

Not saying it is your fault there isn't a fight...Knights should have done more to counter you guys...few high P51s would have shredded your jabbos good and proper and created a fight....unless you guys started peak a boo hoarding then I'd call you out on that.

Maybe watch the video. The nit's were putting up a fight. They did have high fighters trying to come in. We had people waiting for them. They did try to lift off the runway, they kept getting vulched because we had guys who deacked the field. People shooting from man guns? That's because we took down the VH before they could rally against us. Towards about the fourth base, we were seeing a stream of 262's coming in.

You don't want to admit that teamwork, which is what AH3 is truly all about and what has given it's longevity, was taking place with the Bish that night. It's guys like you that whine all the time that are the real problem.  :neener:
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 01:31:28 PM by germ »

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2017, 01:33:31 PM »
I'm thinking a Pogue huh? I was attached armor support for Task Force 21 in Iraq.

Maybe watch the video. The nit's were putting up a fight. They did have high fighters trying to come in. We had people waiting for them. They did try to lift off the runway, they kept getting vulched because we had guys who deacked the field. People shooting from man guns? That's because we took down the VH before they could rally against us. Towards about the fourth base, we were seeing a stream of 262's coming in.

You don't want to admit that teamwork, which is what AH3 is truly all about and what has given it's longevity, was taking place with the Bish that night. It's guys like you that whine all the time that are the real problem.  :neener:
2nd Battalion 87th Infantry Regiment 10th Mountain Division....nope definitely not a POG....Person otherthen Grunt....fact you don't know the acronym got me questioning you.

Step 3. Marginalize anyone who disagrees with you.

I tell people what they need to know. That generally means starting with the basics. Even if they just want one trick for one aircraft, it's good if they understand why it works.

I like to think Serenity had a little epiphany in flight school when they covered the turn circle, post, and entry window. In any case he knows what they are and how to use them. 

Step 3 misdirect to avoid making oneself look like a fool in front of his friends...

My whole point from watching the video....that looked like a very minimal amount of combat in what 3 hours? Don't blame that on numbers...thats just avoiding combat...which is what the game is supposed to simulate.

Oh and germ, don't give me the team work card crap...I die more from trying to help people out of getting ganged, take down ack, find a tank in towm, ect ect ect...then on my own personal faults in flying....hell most of the time my SA is bad is when I assume a countrymen is going to help me fight some red guys but they run home instead.
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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2017, 06:07:39 PM »
I need to remind myself sometimes why I have some folks squelched in the forum...I just opened their posts and was reminded.

That said, nice vids germ (you're not the squelchee)! I have lots of fun in ghi's missions too.
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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2017, 09:16:58 PM »
POG....Person otherthen Grunt....fact you don't know the acronym got me questioning you.
Step 3 misdirect to avoid making oneself look like a fool in front of his friends...

The actual written term is "Pogue". There are numerous supposed origins of the phrase. POG, "Person other than grunt" is a more recent definition of the term.

We 19 Kilos carried "pogey bait" when we deployed. We'd stuff our tracks with goodies prior to deployment, then when in theater, we'd use the empty spaces between our rounds to store the snacks, tobacco products, gator aide packets etc.. then use them to barter with the "Pogue's" hence why we called it "pogey bait". Or at least that's how we were taught in our unit. A popular thing was to trade snacks for fresh fruits and vegetables (the cooks, folks who snuck fresh food while on KP etc). Your mileage my vary depending on what your MOS was and when you served.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2017, 09:22:51 PM by germ »

Offline JOACH1M

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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2017, 09:24:36 PM »
M3's and manned guns alike kill gameplay it's as simple as that.

Oh and so does night time.
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Re: Bish Rolling the Nits 9-17
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2017, 09:25:28 PM »
I assume a countrymen is going to help me fight some red guys but they run home instead.

One poster already say's he's had you squelched. Maybe the problem isn't the other players? Maybe they just don't like you?  :joystick: