I suppose the warning about your country's bases are being attacked is a bit vague when that first 8in hits the town or field. An addition to the message queue since protect your sheep got added to the mix.
"An enemy naval bombardment has begun".
We do have a battleship now, so how do you get around this message? Up fighter bombers to cause the original message to trigger I suppose or, run LVT4. Then most will ignore it as an ord porker for the first month. After that, anyone's guess if someone will take a peak to see if it's a task group trying to get around the message. There are the flashing shore battery icons, I don't know what the detection range on those is. The battleship 16in probably can do land mode from outside of that range while steaming with the CV task group to get closer and launch planes. Most players don't seem that well organized anymore.
Troops causing a base to flash, yeah, most everything else in our game is above board except for NOE up to the dar circle. With task groups I wonder if the lack of warning if it is not an oversight for the last 15 years. Is on purpose to give a task group a leg up before the bombers get rolling and end the fight.
You guys ever notice the majority of what players want are things to protect their country from being attacked while they are busy at some other fight? You catch yourself falling into that mentality building a terrain if you are not careful. That would be one boring terrain but, all three countries would be protected while everyone is failing to capture anything. As a country population each evening, no one can be everywhere by design, unless you can get 300 on one side to shut down the arena.
Or Hitech reduces the terrain size to a 5x5 sectors with 5 or 6 feilds per country. Pigs do fly in our game but, Hitech probably has a good reason to not introduce 5x5 terrains just to account for not being able to protect all of your feilds at the same time. Though, most combat takes place in about that size area, just scattered across 10x10 or 20x20.
Wonder who Hitech would use for the voice to say this: "An enemy naval bombardment has begun".