THIS..... Last night I made 3 flights to a base to deack it while many other folks just flew around in circles waiting for uppers. I remember the old days when first priority was ack. VH and ord, if we were spawning GV's and then FH and maybe BH if we were really serious about taking a base.
I've been to so many base take attempts lately where guys might kill the ord and maybe VH but let the ACK ping away all the while attempting to keep the fighters down, calling out that town is white flagged and they need troops while the fighters fly over and kill the requested troops. lol. Insert Captain Picard face palm pic here...
Several times I've had the same experience with people not killing ord when we have a CV right off shore for 15 to 20 min, especially if it's a small base and there are only 2 freekin bunkers! I't not that hard. But they are great at calling out the incoming bombers and squeaking when the CV gets sunk.
I'm not really sure whats going on here but I have to say as much as I love porking things I do tire of seemingly being the only one some times and wish others would step up a bit.
Ive listened to GHI having the same problem insert accent "Come on guys pork thee base. OMG I can't believe this. Get the ACK down. Keel thee VH!"
Any way -1 to this wish. Just take a 9-T and put 1 cannon round in a gun and poof problem solved. 
I was there,with ya last night. When you and I got there, the guns were being resupplied at town and field. The hangers were coming back as well. Thats the trade off with numbers as they are, IF the rockets and bombs had been put on JUST TOWN. that base would have been captured, an hour before we got there. Everyone that deacked had to come back twice as was medium field. When I got there, about 15 min before I first saw you, base still had manned guns,but no one manning them. Townup 100% all guns up. % guys vultching one upper! Then the dreaded "RTB out of ammo...ME TOO,SAME HERE...I will come with". NOW just me

I got 4 guns in town and BRAINBOXED by Lutrell in a wirb, that noone saw leave the field. Point being, taking a base requires a BIT more planning, but you cant plan game play for everyone. Too me, BEST DEFENCE AGAINST VULTCHERS roll an a 20 and stop half way down runway(with guns up

) second best up a FI and hover over groun low. GUARANTEED to either kill them or run them out of ammo,thus allowing defenders to show up

You have to understand that in that case last night, it was just a VULTCH em ALL thing. After the dedicated planners leave its hard to find players willing to get shot, finishing something they didnt start. ESPECIALLY when there are easy kills to put your effort into. Sure you may get killed anyway....But you GOT 4 kills. Just my 3 cents Also Flayed, when most ask "Is it DEACKED" I assume they mean TOWN, not base.So sorry for the bad intel, when I answered your question. TOWN was deacked and base guns were popping. Town is ALWAYS my first target as far as deack goes. That is a MUST to capture, base is just icing on the cake. I care nothing about vultching, so base is never my first concern in a capture. Other than a shut down situation. Bombs and rockets to kill hanger....other ord goes to town guns (EVERY TIME). Thats just me