Author Topic: What is Vehicle quadrant??  (Read 21311 times)

Offline Krusty

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #195 on: November 22, 2017, 08:25:26 AM »
I would correct Kilroy... but.. I don't feed trolls. Seriously, this has to stop. Kilroy please. Speaking of "way to contribute to the forum?" You're hurting it. Big time.

Offline nrshida

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #196 on: November 23, 2017, 12:17:11 AM »
Man that's very special, I see it's got the name of my avatar on it, sweet. It looks like you put a lot of time into it, really thought it out, I probably completed two sorties while you made that nice picture. Way to contribute to the forum, hats off sir.

Thank you. Yes it did take nearly half of my tea break to do it. But it was worth it bud. You're special, I can tell  :)

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Offline waystin2

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #197 on: November 23, 2017, 09:18:58 AM »
This is interesting, as it runs counter to the impression I obtained from your recent GV posts.  Do you GV alone?  If not, that may be where the disconnect comes from. 

WRT my question, although I usually GV alone, I have occasionally spawned in the same area as a friendly horde, in cases where I thought I'd get decent game play out of it.  The dynamics of GVing alone are significantly different that doing so with a horde, or shooting from the concrete on a base. 

This is a serious question. 

I up GV's to defend fields primarily now. Sometimes this is with squaddies, but most times this is on my lonesome.  I have little interest in spawn camp style shoot em ups.  If there are already a bunch of tanks or Wirbels on the ground, then I do not bother upping.  Who wants to be the 10th tank or Wirbel?  The only thing that would ever keep me close to concrete is the need to watch a maproom.  Otherwise I actively move towards enemy vehicles.  I like to shoot, get a kill, reposition, constantly pressuring towards enemy spawn, our town, our field, or whatever needs to be reached.  To me GV'ing is better if there is an objective being fought over and there is activity involved.

See you up there!


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Offline germ

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #198 on: November 23, 2017, 09:34:37 AM »
I've wanted to add some type of display since AH3 was released, the reason is because of the increased tree density making if difficult to even know if a vehicle is in the area.

Since going VR I haven't really played a GV. I found the trees and the ability to hide made GV'ing more fun. It forced an actual challenge not only for the CAS, but the GV's trying to defend.

Personally, I believe this will just slowly erode the fun of GV'ing. Nobody wants to spend time inching towards a base, avoiding enemy detection only to be easily bomb****ed by this "radar" thingy. And here I thought the trees had IMPROVED GV fighting, now we're making it easier than it was in AH2?

I don't GV much anymore like I said, I'm loving the VR in flight, but this doesn't seem like something most hard core GV guys are going to appreciate much.

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #199 on: November 23, 2017, 09:41:56 AM »
One last thought.. I was an actual "Tanker", a 19 Kilo, M1A1 armor crewman.

Tanks hide.. or go defilade. That's what they do. This defeats the purpose of armored warfare and the element of surprise and ambush.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #200 on: November 23, 2017, 09:53:22 AM »
After playing with this I dont think its that good an idea. From an attacking GVs point of view, its great! making it easier to spot and hunt down other GVs. From a defenders point of view it sucks! It is too easy to use to pin point a GV and take them out. I think something in the middle ground would be better.

Personally I'd like to see less trees, better line of site areas and such, but that is a major overhaul of the maps we have. New maps makers I hope look at this more.

I'd like to see more time spent on the GV sounds. With the sound system we have we should be able to have much better "placement"/"location" detection, as well as being able to ID a vehicle by sound.

Offline 8thJinx

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #201 on: November 23, 2017, 10:01:05 AM »
Yes, very easy to defend a town and hunt gv's attacking it.  Add a friendly plane in the air, and the only way to take that town is to horde it.
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Offline 100Coogn

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #202 on: November 23, 2017, 10:04:31 AM »
After playing with this I dont think its that good an idea. From an attacking GVs point of view, its great! making it easier to spot and hunt down other GVs. From a defenders point of view it sucks! It is too easy to use to pin point a GV and take them out. I think something in the middle ground would be better.

Personally I'd like to see less trees, better line of site areas and such, but that is a major overhaul of the maps we have. New maps makers I hope look at this more.

I'd like to see more time spent on the GV sounds. With the sound system we have we should be able to have much better "placement"/"location" detection, as well as being able to ID a vehicle by sound.

I agree with less trees and I don't even gv.
There's too many trees as it is and that's part of what is killing a lot of peoples frame-rates.  Notice when you turn ground detail level down how much more
smoothly the game plays?  At least for me it does.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 10:12:33 AM by 100Coogn »
From Wiley: If you're hitting them after they drop, that's not defense, that is revenge.
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Offline 8thJinx

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #203 on: November 23, 2017, 10:09:08 AM »
Personally I'd like to see less trees, better line of site areas and such, but that is a major overhaul of the maps we have. New maps makers I hope look at this more.

I am definitely working on this with new maps.  Not difficult to do, just need to pay attention to detail.

And it's not a big overhaul, either, to tweak an existing map.  Rather straight forward.  I emailed Skuzzy to see if I could tweak a dead copy of Ndilses and submit it for review.  Haven't heard back yet.
Join Date: Nov 2012

B-24H Liberator SN 294837-T, "The Jinx", 848th BS, 490th BG, 8th AF, RAF Station Eye, delivered 1943.  Piloted by Lt. Thomas Keyes, named by by his crew, and adorned with bad luck symbols, the aircraft survived the entire war.

Offline redcatcherb412

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #204 on: November 23, 2017, 12:39:50 PM »
It is too easy to use to pin point a GV and take them out. I think something in the middle ground would be better.

Personally I'd like to see less trees, better line of site areas and such, but that is a major overhaul of the maps we have. New maps makers I hope look at this more.

It seems like there's been some tweaking around the towns and bases. I see much larger treeless grassland for the last 500 yards or so on approach on the maps.

The GV dar seems to make it easier to bushwhack a GV at times. Find a defilade spot with good flanking protection and wait for the hunter. Works in open, trees or town. The hunter has to stay on the move looking often at the map dar with the hunted watching the dar and listening engine off knowing pretty close where his main gun needs to be aimed. Makes for a lot of slow attack with engine on/off and map watching.  The old days of running flat out firing on the run blitzkrieg seem to be gone.
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Offline redcatcherb412

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #205 on: November 23, 2017, 12:41:06 PM »
Yes, very easy to defend a town and hunt gv's attacking it.  Add a friendly plane in the air, and the only way to take that town is to horde it.
Yessir, the 'sneak' is becoming a thing of the past.
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Offline buddyshamrock

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #206 on: November 24, 2017, 12:15:39 PM »
Me no like ground dar ....

Offline CAV

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #207 on: November 26, 2017, 09:04:43 PM »
One last thought.. I was an actual "Tanker", a 19 Kilo, M1A1 armor crewman.

Tanks hide.. or go defilade. That's what they do. This defeats the purpose of armored warfare and the element of surprise and ambush.

What he said.........

Tanking was the best it has ever been with the start of AH 3........ till this Quadrant thing.


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Offline redcatcherb412

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #208 on: November 27, 2017, 12:00:26 PM »
One last thought.. I was an actual "Tanker", a 19 Kilo, M1A1 armor crewman.

Tanks hide.. or go defilade. That's what they do. This defeats the purpose of armored warfare and the element of surprise and ambush.
No, no, no.  You are to sit in the open and await the bombs or tank shells from the treeline as numerous town killer M4's and M3's go streaming by you. It's only fair ya know. Ambush is a dirty word synonymous with vulching, camping or just not playing fair.   :aok
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Offline Krusty

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Re: What is Vehicle quadrant??
« Reply #209 on: November 27, 2017, 12:13:30 PM »
I'd just point out here that hiding in a hull-down position in an ambush spot looks so different from the ground as compared to FROM THE AIR that it's not even a valid comparison. How things look from the ground vs how they look from the air never match up. You can hid from air spotting or you can hide from ground spotting, but they are mutually exclusive.

Tanks were not invisible from the air, and should not be invisible in this game, nor should they be undetectable just to give an artificial leg-up to GV drivers who want to camp with impunity.

Get in, get the job done, and move on. This whole obsession with getting the camp going is bad for GV gameplay. Hell, I once got 23 kills on an enemy field -- no not shooting into the VH but nearby waiting for targets to come out -- and it did nothing. It was me being a jackarse and I can promise you I didn't do anything to help the team for it, didn't really have a sense of accomplishment other than "how long will this go?" and it definitely wasn't rewarding in the scope of gameplay.

On the other hand, I've died 5x trying to push a GV into an enemy field and clear the town, but my deaths told the tankers right next to me where my killer was hiding and they killed him. Despite multiple deaths I made it and guarded troops as they went into the map room. Pushing forward, keeping on target, on objective, even though I died many times was far more rewarding than just camping to artificially inflate a score.

I've done both. I've pushed forward. I've camped. I've tried to break through and been camped. I've bombed, I've strafed, I've spotted without engaging. GVs don't need invulnerability. They need a kick in the pants to keep on-mission. Being spotted is that kick. They should not operate alone, but with friendlies overhead. Before HTC killed GV icons I'd spot for tankers in battles to take fields once I'd cleared the area a bit. Tell them where to adjust rounds and ranging tips.  Now, there's no point because you can't see them. It's a double standard, and those are innately unfair and unsatisfactory.
