So I was working on regaining my sea legs in aces high tonight, after being away from the game for three years. Well, after getting gang banged a few times, and several mistakes of my own, i was getting increasingly frustrated. Not helping with this frustration is Vraciu, vomiting rude and condescending remarks about anything i had to say. This proceeds to irritate me more, so i decide to start beating him at his own game of whits and match his cancerous attitude with mine. Apparently I was warned, mid message, to calm down, but my next remark to Vraciu was "#mommydidntloveyoudidshe". and this got me muted for 10 minutes, but NOT Vraciu. So I waited my 10 minutes, in the midst of which I had a nice fight against a F4U-1. At the conclusion of my mute time, I popped on 200 and gave the anonymous pilot a <S>. I said nothing to Vraciu, or the mod, and again, guess who has to interject his two cents in. His language was far more offensive and rule pushing than mine was, but yet he receives no mute period. Here is a screenshot i took of the conversation shortly after i called the Mod out on this and was muted for 20 minutes (at which point i logged off):, as a paying subscription member to this game, i find the biased and unjustified actions by the moderator in this game tonight be appalling. I was getting frustrated, and I was vocal about it on 200, yes, but Vraciu was just as guilty and received no mute for his actions. If the Moderators continue this biased behavior towards myself and other players in the game, i will be demanding a full refund of my money, and probably leaving the game for good, despite the fact that there are good people in the game. Im sorry, but I cannot stand favoritism, especially in a situation like this.