I quit AH before 3.0 came out due to not being able to get a solid connection. Now that my ISP has upgraded to fiber I thought I might be able to fly again, but no I still get the same issues as before. Often but random loss of signal lasting for 1 to 5 seconds, often is at least 2 if not 3 times a minute. I have fine tuned my router and when testing on DSLReports I get A's but on the graph that is displayed during the test I will see these drops in signal, sometimes all the way to zero. My ISP claims it is not them, and I have played Star Citizen which is a much more resource intensive than AH and don't see the affect of the drop in signal.
AH related things I have tried is to drop all graphics to the lowest point, even though I can play offline at full graphics, this had no effect.
My system is:
Windows 10
Intel core i7-2600 cpu
GeForce GTX 750Ti
Any information or sugestions would be great, thanks.