Author Topic: The "Keeping me focused" thread  (Read 495 times)

Offline 8thJinx

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The "Keeping me focused" thread
« on: December 21, 2017, 10:44:22 AM »
AC3D, L3DT, the TE, and the OE have basically created a hobby for me.  And I have a really good grasp on all of them now.  But there's so much I want to do with them that I now have to start prioritizing stuff.  I can't keep jumping from one fun thing to another, like making a burning building with glowing interior walls.  Very fun, very cool final product, but no immediate impact on the game.  And I basically dropped everything else just to play with that one thing.

General thoughts:
1. Having more options for the map centers would be a big plus.
2. Having a family of approved, relatively low poly, low vertex berm objects and micro hills that can be dropped in from the TE, would have a large impact in map making.
3. The primary terrain goal for the area between the spawn and base/town should be making it more playable.  Driving 6 minutes through the trees to a town or a base to me is a little boring.  That is what I called "plain vanilla."  We have a lot of "plain vanilla" compared to AH2.  But, not all AH2 maps had super-great, playable areas between the spawn and the base, either.  Ozkansas and Compello area good examples.  Ozkansas and Compello had some really great areas that generated activity on a continuous line from the spawn areas the base or town ring roads.  But they also had a ton of "plain vanilla" areas where it was simply more fun to roll onto the field to shoot stuff.  "Plain vanilla" needs to be minimized.  And that can be addressed with the elevation brushes in the TE, with proper atlas selection, and with hill and berm objects.

So in a nut shell, I'm going to work on the following list, in order:
1. Submit a family of berm objects for approval for MA terrains.
2. Submit a family of micro hill objects for approval for MA terrains.
3. Submit a family of center island 4x4 land objects for approval for MA terrains.
4. Remagen AvA terrain.
5. Tunis MA terrain.

Join Date: Nov 2012

B-24H Liberator SN 294837-T, "The Jinx", 848th BS, 490th BG, 8th AF, RAF Station Eye, delivered 1943.  Piloted by Lt. Thomas Keyes, named by by his crew, and adorned with bad luck symbols, the aircraft survived the entire war.