I never said anything about TOS, I called it lame, just like the continuous NOEs we use to have, or the "wack a mole" missions where the whole group would bail if one defender showed up only to try for another easy base take on the other side of the map, or the guys that bail from buffs when someone shows up to defend the target they are going to, or leaving from, just like the guys that jump into M3s with supplies at the first sign of of buff entering the sector.
This game is losing players every week due to crap play. People dont want to spend $15 a month to hunt some clown parked in a plane under a tree just to make a base flash for hours, or to up to defend a base only to have the mission run away, or to chase down a buff only to see them bail before you get into icon range, or to spend time hunting for a CV group that is "hidden" because it might get attacked, of to have any number of other lame plays to take away from what the game was always suppose to be about. Interacting with other players from all over the world in a continuous battle raging 24/7.
My view of lame play is people that fly around and defend their bases. People that don't post or join missions. People that go out of their way to avoid or disrupt team play. Those are the reasons I grew tired of lame play.
Making a base flash, causing a mission to bail, causing a buff to bail, hiding a cv, are not on my list.
albeit, there is a account, maybe two, that obviously enjoys the subtle possibilities within a continuous live arena. kinda like sitting on a porch "virtually".