My wife studied art in college and graduated with a degree allowing her to teach art in primary education for awhile. She also sold her own art when she was in college. I've reached the point where I have to ask her about color relationships, perspective, and light where the human eye is concerned. Once I realized the size of the polygons in the mesh everything is constructed from will make everything turn out about the same no matter how you worry and slave over ever foot of anything. Construction got simple.
What is complicated and always screws you over unless you set hard rules on elevations is scale. Then how you paint so the eye sees what it expects to see. After that the player is agreeing to be in a fantasy world and if his eye is given the right fantasy, his brain will do the rest.
What you see inside of the terrain editor will not look like what you see in the game offline once you spawn out a tank. Geo features under a certain size cannot be made very granular and beautiful so the mistake everyone makes is to ignore scale and keep massaging the micro feature into a gigantic mistake. Offline that looks good but ultimately is too huge based on the arena world scale. The secret is to learn how to manage the small close up ugly features that even look ugly after you import a geomap into ARTIK's program if you happen to get up reallllyyy close to some small canyon by mistake.
These two pictures are good example of managing scale and painting. The first caldera just looks wrong, the second one, your brain keeps helping it to look better because it's closer to things you have seen in real life. Art in the terrain editor is a lot like Zen brush painting where you show a minimum of strokes that perfectly engage the brain to fill in the rest. Otherwise, the terrain editor is a clunky beast when you create things smaller than than 1\4 mile. So you create illusions....... I think I figured out what I want to do with that mesa ramp in the previous post, it looks orphaned and wrong in it's current configuration. So does it's terminus at the volcano.
This is a never ending create it, destroy part of it and go in a direction you didn't think of a day ago. I saw a caldera last night researching rift valley volcanoes that has a second lower caldera that created a large lava flow field, think that is how I'll make sense out of those structures to the left of the cone. I also spend a lot of time online looking at photos of the geo features I'm themeing my terrain around, then fighting with the polygon mesh to bring them into the arena. All of that before I create the bases and spawns and all those things players need to get onto the map.
You guys deserve better if it's possible since Hitech went to the trouble to upgrade the game to allow art work like this.