Absolute numbers don't say much. You'd at least would have to look at the percentages of kills compared to toal arena kills. Better yet, look at the hours played in the different modes as well (which would also give information about changing gameplay by true k/h)
In the near future I will post another detailed stats roundup. Until then, this will have to do:
Things to consider:
-AH III went live in tour 200
-AH was released on steam in mid tour 212.
- GV Dar was introduced (in its first incarnation) towards end of tour 214, the change to currend 'sector' format was done early in tour 215
- G2A and G2G kills include manned guns, which means (for G2A) mostly kills by ship ack. This can distort the analysis a bit when looking for plane/vehicle interaction only.
Excluding them would, for example, change the G2A kills percentage of tour 215 to a mere 10%, G2A to 12%, G2G to 18%
Due to sucky setup of my "database" it will take me some work to do a similar graph adjusted for this.