Is this still true:
"Trains, convoys, and barges are built into the terrain. Each train, convoy, or barge has a source point and a destination point, and each can be damaged or destroyed while traveling from point to point. Trains, convoys, and barges automatically respawn every ten minutes.
Destroying a train, convoy or barge will add an additional 7 minutes of downtime to any destroyed field or strategic resource that it supplies.(See table below)
Once a train, convoy, or barge has successfully reached it's destination, a new supply convoy spawns."
The source of this is from the Aces High Help Menu, the "See Table Below" does not appear on that page of the help menu. My squad has noted that on several maps there appears to be Vehicle bases that only contain one Vehicle Hanger that can't be destroyed. Other field objects, guns can be destroyed, but it doesn't appear that any resupply vehicles, truck convoy or train convoy are associated with this field. Then we started looking for any resupply convoy or train or barges associated with any other field on the map? We found none. Has automatic field resupply or the representation of that (convoy, train or barge) been removed from the game. Are fields now just on a down time timer once destroyed and will be back up in x amount of time no matter what? I understand that the factory associated with the object determines its initial down time, but at one time we could impact that down time by stopping the resupply.