I found this Youtube video on the Oculus reddit page and thought I'd share here. It is a method to sharpen ONLY game textures, over and above regular super-sampling via Oculus Tray Tool, etc.
(BTW1: I set the link to start at 1 min.,54 seconds into the video, but the forum code won't accept the custom start time, so just jump to 1 minute 54 seconds in. BTW2: the fellow who made the video has a thick Scottish brogue, so you might have to rewatch if you have trouble with his accent):
Caveat: I haven't yet tried this myself, so I can't attest to its efficacy or even if its' a good idea to do it. If anyone does try it, please let us know if you had issues, if it helped, etc. (Chances are that I won't get a chance to give it a go until the weekend.)