Howdy, Oboe.
The ones with B-17's are:
Big Week (June, 2017; GL of I/JG 3)
Tunisia, February 1943 (October, 2016; GL of 47th BG)
Target for Today (May, 2015; missed this one)
Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015; GL of 1st FG)
The Pacific War (June, 2014; GL of VT-IJN)
Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012; GL of I/JG26)
Battle Over Germany (February, 2011; GL of III/JG1)
Tunisia: Dawn of Battle (April, 2009; pilot in I/LG 1)
Der Grosse Schlag (October, 2007; pilot in 100th BG, II/JG 11, and 447th BG)
The ones with TBM's are:
Southern Conquest (February, 2016; GL of Axis 6)
The Pacific War (June, 2014; GL of VT-IJN)
Coral Sea 2009 (July, 2009; GL of VT-2 and VT-Z)
Operation Husky (June, 2007; GL of III/KG 30)
Operation Downfall (July, 2006; pilot in Hiryu Sentai)
Coral Sea (April, 2005; GL of VT-2/VT-Z)
Here is a list of all scenarios:
Battle of the Western Kuban (February, 2018; GL of 13 GBAP)
Target: Rabaul (October, 2017, GL of 68th Sentai)
Big Week (June, 2017; GL of I/JG 3)
Hell Over the Hinterland (February, 2017; GL of 121 Wing)
Tunisia, February 1943 (October, 2016; GL of 47th BG)
The Battle of the Dnieper (June, 2016; GL of 7 GShAP)
Southern Conquest (February, 2016; GL of Axis 6)
Target for Today (May, 2015; missed this one)
Battle Over the Winter Line (January, 2015; GL of 1st FG)
The Pacific War (June, 2014; GL of VT-IJN)
Battle of Britain 2013 (September, 2013; GL of KG 53)
Mediterranean Maelstrom (March, 2013; GL of II/KG77)
Der Grosse Schlag II (October, 2012; GL of I/JG26)
Winter Sky - Death Ground (April, 2012; pilot in 1/JG26)
Enemy Coast Ahead (October, 2011; pilot in II/JG26)
Road to Rangoon (May, 2011; GL of 135 Sqn)
Battle Over Germany (February, 2011; GL of III/JG1)
Philippine Phandango (August, 2010; GL of 762 Kokutai)
The Final Battle (March, 2010; GL of I/JG53)
Red Storm / Krupp Steel (October, 2009; GL of 229 IAD)
Coral Sea 2009 (July, 2009; GL of VT-2 and VT-Z)
Tunisia: Dawn of Battle (April, 2009; pilot in I/LG 1)
Battle of Britain 2008 (November, 2008; GL of I/JG3)
Rangoon, '42 (2008) (August, 2008; GL of 1st Sentai)
Der Grosse Schlag (October, 2007; pilot in 100th BG, II/JG 11, and 447th BG)
Operation Husky (June, 2007; GL of III/KG 30)
Battle of Britain 2006 (September, 2006; pilot in 56th Sqn)
Operation Downfall (July, 2006; pilot in Hiryu Sentai)
Stalin's Fourth (April, 2006; GL of VVS10)
Fire Over Malta (November, 2005; GL of Flight F)
Coral Sea (April, 2005; GL of VT-2/VT-Z)
Rangoon, '42 (October, 2004; CO of IJAAF)
Battle of Britain 2004 (August, 2004; pilot in I/JG 26)
Links to writeups and AAR's for all of them is here: