Well...the problem was out of the CM's hands last night. We had a serious bug that we "think" had something to do with the set-up table.
Hblair was there 11/2 hours ahead of time and I logged in 1 hr ahead. We had the arena ready to go, but there was the "maproom" bug appearing agian. I tested the maproom bug when I got home from work and I loaded the terrain but not the table and everything worked fine.
When we set the arena up it was fubarred. I still am not sure why people had trouble logging into the arena since Sling and I ran it last week with the same maproom problem.
I look forward to the first ever TOD that runs smoothly with no problems and that will be a great day!!!I'm not sure if this is just an innocent comment or a flame at me.
TOD's are new to me as is the CM work I am doing. At any given time my text buffer is clogged with private messages and questions. Trying to answer those, set-up the arena and communicate with other CM's is real difficult. If you are unhappy with the way the event is run there is not much I can do other than do more work and get more familiar with the way it is done.
Also, when the Euro TOD starts in the new year it won't be so bad as you won't be upm at 4:00am watching my three ring circus