Looking at the numbers 76 to 45 ... I knew from the start that our flight of 7 Zekes would get slaughtered as our KIs last frame.
The heck with it, we will try to survive as long as we can. We could climb to 30K and loiter A9, our CAP point.
Sure enought, here they come ... 20+ F4Us at 30K inbound from the north. The furball lasted for a good 10 min but 1 after the other the zekes went down.
My wingman Pollock and me were the only survivors, we worked very hard to stay way high and not to descend, doing our best to dodge F4s shooting pass. I saw Pollock having to evade an F4 closing his 6. He entered a fight of his own, I was about to come help him but I noticed 4 F4s coming high from the South. (Don't ask me where they came from).
I avoided their pass, still trying to grab alt. Pollock got a kill on a F4U
WTG Pollock but last time I saw him he had 11 F4s on him
Sure enought he got shot down.
I kept playing the alt game and I witnessed the F4s departing the area toward their CV to rearm and come back with bombs.
I was at 30K, I took heading 090 to see if some more would come from the East. Co-alt I spoted 1 dot ... wohoo ... but it quickly became 1.2...5...7..13! After a quick *&^%$#@! I performed the fastest 180 of my life and ran for my life.
I came back over A9 waiting for them, I never saw them. I elected to land to make sure I would have enought fuel for the second wave. I wasn't really planing on killing any of the second wave but maybe I could make them drop their bombs before they hit A9.
I refuelled, reuped and caped A9-CV43-P32. As I was about to come back and land at A9, I spoted smoke and 6 corsairs vulching.
I missed them coming in. I dove and did a high speed pass guns blazing right in the middle of them trying to scare some. (high speed pass being relative in a Zeke). I couldn't hit any, they saw me coming, sure enought they started to follow me. I draged them away from the field for a couple of min then they broke away and went back for the field.
I came back to, trying to play the mind game and prevent them from hiting A9 more. When they came back for me I couldn't evade them this time. They were all over. I had to take some serious evasives with all 6 of them wanting me bad.
see pic 1You got the idea
It degenerated in a turnfight, it was a blast, they were all over shooting bullets. Boy did they go into agressive turnfight. I wished I had a Niki, at least they may have been afraid of HOing me.
see pic 2It lasted a lil bit then I eard a bang and lost a wing, I bailed right away and walked back to my base. The replay gave me the answer, looks like I colided with one of those guys, never saw him.
see pic 3Raming me was their only hope to shoot me down
I claim a F4U, I doubt he landed back on the CV with alf a wing. (you never know, but that's what I narated to the Emperor)