Author Topic: I love this game but no other game I play has me tabbing out to fill time in  (Read 29167 times)

Offline JimmyC

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It can be a very ROCKY road
CO 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."

Offline Vraciu

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That’s my favorite ice cream, especially with some bitter whine. 
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Offline Shuffler

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That’s my favorite ice cream, especially with some bitter whine.

Best icecream period.
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline nrshida

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Not particularly picking on your personally Asterix, you seem considered. It's a pertinent (but ultimately pointless) discussion by this point, but I'd edit your post to read like this:-

Dedicated ACM is a niche activity in any online combat flight sim, including this one IMHO. That is why all those changes have been made (88mm, side switch etc), to combat another issue created by larger number of players not looking for a good fight, but looking for a way to circumvent a fight.

I choose that word advisedly. That might sound harsh and elitist however I spent soooooo many hours of hard work, study and countless deaths to acquire the ACM skills I have now. I have learning disabilities and am mostly self-taught. You'll forgive me then for thinking some players lazy and disingenuous to simply bypass all of that with picking, ganging, hording, ack-running, rinsing, repeating. Especially when that's all they do.

I was discussing this this evening with a friend via PM in-game. He suggested a problem is that all kills are 'rewarded' equally. For example last Friday on NDisles I had to fight like the devil for fifteen minutes against a coordinated Ki-43 and A6M, while a C.205, a Ki-61 and a Spit14 took casual swipes at me. After I killed the Ki-43 the Spit14 and Ki-61 left the scene sharpish. After I killed the A6M the C.205, despite having considerable energy & positional advantage, chose to invest that in a headstart on his ack. I landed two kills with lingering helmet fire & without a salute from anyone. Meanwhile, a certain Japanese player, let's call him Mr. Z, landed 9 kills in his P-51B. Anyone who knows him has no illusion how those kills were obtained. Picking people already in a fight (systematically ruining their gameplay - in effect - for his own pleasure) and diving and running more than a sector the moment he sees a remote threat at all.

I met him this evening. He refused an offered 1-on-1 turn fight against my Spit14 in his Bf109F-4 with an energy advantage. Seriously? Flew the Freddy exactly like he flies the Mustang. Diving over 10k to the deck before manoeuvring lazily in his ack hoping I'd follow. I couldn't even catch him in a Spit14. He made the space & broke precisely in the direction of his ack. Must have made a note of the heading.

I caught him once co-alt in a dip on the terrain, him in a Spit9 and me in my Ki-84. As my brother says: 'he couldn't drive a greasy stick up a dog's arse'. God-forbid he actually considers what I could do with a plane, he could do if he learned it. Why bother, the ACM-solving auto-ack is usually only a short run away.

Five years ago or perhaps more he'd have been 'called out' on 200 for selfish of ghey gameplay. FFS The Muppets et al would TEACH you stuff if you showed any interest at all & were prepared to work. Now no one says anything. Including me. The culture which proposed a more reasonable or mutually rewarding interaction has gone. The equitable gameplay in Aces High is gone. The numbers have gone. Come December I'll be gone too.

Happy Friday Pipz!
-=Army of Muppets=-
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Offline Vraciu

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Very AhACKiruish of this person. 
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Online LilMak

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Good ice cream and a great example of a player who would avoid a fight at all costs.

It was eluded to earlier in this thread when it was suggested we need to police ourselves...

Ask yourself this while you are doing your thing in game.
“If everyone was doing this (whatever it is) all the time, would this game be any fun?”

If the answer is “No” then change your ways.

Perfect examples...
If everyone in the arena was sitting in an 88, would this be any fun? No.

If everyone in the arena was supplying towns, would this be any fun? No.

If everyone in the arena ran from a fight every time, would this be any fun? No.

If everyone in the arena attacked undefended territory, would this be any fun? No.
"When caught by the enemy in large force the best policy is to fight like hell until you can decide what to do next."
~Hub Zemke
P-47 pilot 56th Fighter Group.

Offline JimmyC

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Maybe varierty is good..
Not old music hall acts though..
I really like a good dogfight ..not much on cockfights though
CO 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."

Offline Biggamer

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1hour switch time went to 12 hours squads begged for it to change back to 1 hour AoM and The Few and many others for over a year nothing was done they all walked away

65 foot dot dar. BoP and claim jumpers both massive squads who took bases ask for it to go away they was laughed at until they all walked away

Years of running the jokers and V guys down for the way they played the game pushed most of them out

Then because the 49ers would camp a HQ a change was made and pushed that whole squad out

making changes to stop players from their type of fun dont do any good as you can see above there it just makes them walk and there goes another bunch of numbers.

No new planes or GVs in years while the competitors have something new every few months aint gonna help numbers either

no daily objectives to complete

nothing is done on holidays except we see a pumpkin and sleigh for a few minutes

there is never any info given to the community for anything new being worked on until its live

i could keep going on and on but i dont see point in saying the same things thats been pointed out before the one thing i do know is the competitors out there have what we dont and thats numbers.


Offline b4o2s9s

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I wonder how many people would be playing if all the people who don't play because there aren't enough people playing, were playing.    :D

Welp, can't argue against that logic haha. When it comes to games, I always say inactivity breeds inactivity. The more players that aren't playing, the more that stop playing.

The difference that I find between AH and other games I play is there's usually something to bring players back. For example, in Eve Online (I'm sorry for using this reference often in my posts), I was running an alliance for 3.5 years. An alliance is a formal collection of corps (squads, guilds, whatevers). Activity would get low, so me and my leadership team would put something together, some big event from a huge mining operation or a PVP deployment or something of that nature and spam the crap out of discord, facebook, and the in-game mail system about a week prior to get the guys online. USUALLY after we had a large operation of that kind, the players would have so much fun working together and accomplishing great things that we would see an instant rise in activity for a while. Not to mention offensive operations were ALWAYS met with a lot of PVP opportunities, the game has a lot of players and you really work for what you have.

In AH I really don't see much of that. There's the Special Events that are really great, but as far as main arena squads putting on something like that, it's just not really there. You don't work for what you have, unless you fly perk planes. The squad mechanic is nothing more than a name and a squad chat. You WON'T cause the other team to log on because you decide to fly a big operation for a couple nights.

In short, I'm not sure how to get the players back. There is very little opportunity to generate excitement throughout the entire community. Like I say, Special Events are great, but the normal day-to-day in the main arena is receiving little to no benefit from it I would imagine.

Where is the HTC PR campaign dang it?
No squad cuz noob

Offline b4o2s9s

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Screw it. I'm subbing for a month, see how it goes. Try to stir up some business  :rock
No squad cuz noob

Offline The Fugitive

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1hour switch time went to 12 hours squads begged for it to change back to 1 hour AoM and The Few and many others for over a year nothing was done they all walked away

65 foot dot dar. BoP and claim jumpers both massive squads who took bases ask for it to go away they was laughed at until they all walked away

Years of running the jokers and V guys down for the way they played the game pushed most of them out

Then because the 49ers would camp a HQ a change was made and pushed that whole squad out

making changes to stop players from their type of fun dont do any good as you can see above there it just makes them walk and there goes another bunch of numbers.

But on the other side of the coin, how many people would have left facing what these players did night after night? Personally I know I logged of mad more often with country dar down than I ever did for any other thing. Hordes running NOE and bailing at the site of resistance was frustrating, but never made me log. I think those things NEEDED to be done. Could there be adjustments? Sure. Dont need the NOE to be near impossible to run, but just a bit more obvious to find. Cut back the hordes a bit and you have fights on two fronts, or at a couple bases along one front.

No new planes or GVs in years while the competitors have something new every few months aint gonna help numbers either

no daily objectives to complete

nothing is done on holidays except we see a pumpkin and sleigh for a few minutes

there is never any info given to the community for anything new being worked on until its live

i could keep going on and on but i dont see point in saying the same things thats been pointed out before the one thing i do know is the competitors out there have what we dont and thats numbers.

Agreed, HTC can be a bit TOO single minded. While its great for getting accurate stars you can navigate by, it doesnt help when your blinding yourself to other issues that need attention in the game.

New planes/GVs, info on game updates, added "specials, ALL pushed on social media could drive attention and so interest in Aces High.

Offline b4o2s9s

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 :aok :aok :aok

That's the hitech like for Fugitive hahaha
No squad cuz noob

Offline Vraciu

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*heads back to skinning software*

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Offline rvflyer

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I see the advertising issue brought up over and over, so I have to assume Dale is okay with the way things are or he cannot afford to advertise. I don't know the answer but I do know that advertising would bring in new players and some would stay as a lot of us did.

I dont think anyone here want WT! If they did they WOULD GO THERE!  :rolleyes:

This game is far more complex which may be one of is down falls as well as one of it greatest assets and so, a much better game than WT. The issues aren't all that dramatic.

1. Balance the GV vs Air a bit better. Right now it favors the GVs too much. Either get rid of a bunch of trees, match the range counters for both enemy and friendly. If the GVs can be spotted again you can get rid of the GV dar.

2. Air to Air, BRING IN MORE PLAYERS! During the steam roll out we had a ton of players coming in and leaving 10 minutes later. AH wasnt ready for it. They added the video tutorials AFTER the rush died down, as well as the VR controls. Now I dont think we have all that many new players dropping in. No advertising, no social media presents, no streaming channels. Nobody knows we are here.

3. Game Play, YES its a big "sand box" and everyone should be able to do which ever style of play they want however, the interaction of player vs player is what this game is about. It is what it thrives on. If not, everyone would be having a blast playing a single player version at home. Game play must be tweaked by rules/conditions/rewards to make it more advantageous to play with/against other players and NOT avoid each other. Dont STOP other types of game play, have those options there for players, just make it so more players look to play together.

Thats it, pretty simple.
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