Here's a couple ideas to keep the new members a bit longer. Will it work? Who knows. Newbies are a fickle group, but it's so very obvious that the current tactics and attempts are NOT working at all. Time to shift gears and start looking for changes.
Free to Play
100% on board with the other folks. Open up F2P in the main arena with a limited selection of planes and vehicles. No more than 10 planes and 1-2 vehicles. Let them take it all in, create a desire to move up to the better stuff.
Purchasing Perks
Go for it, by all means. I honestly don't care if someone wants to whip out the credit card and buy 5,000 fighter perks and fly those rides all the time. Most perk planes are relatively easy to counter if they are flown by someone new. And this also means more money for HTC to keep up their business, hire some new hands, whatever. It is in no way game-breaking, it's really not pay-to-win. Make it happen! $0.05 a perk!
Information in-game is just not as readily accessible as it needs to be. For example, someone who knows absolutely NOTHING about airplanes or guns or bombs, they are really just left on their own. There should be more stats about the different planes and their loadouts. Have the speed/climb charts change with the different loadouts. Have a description of the plane show up when you select it. Information on the loadouts, what a bomb radius is, etc. Make convergence more noticeable, what it is, recommended settings (rather than the default in-your-face stuff).
The way to get information used to be outside of the game on wikis and all that, but that’s just not how things are done in the gaming industry anymore. Yes those things are all still used, but a gamer should never HAVE to leave a game to get information unless they are looking for tutorials, videos, or crazy in-depth information.
There needs to be more tool hints and things of that sort for the new player. An actual first-time setup walkthrough. A first flight coached by a computer (with realistic voice that doesn’t make you want to put a knife in your own ears). NEWBIES NEED HANDHOLDING, especially today’s caliber of newbie (for the most part, there are great exceptions).
Honestly I don’t want to hear the old “well that’s not the kind of player we want anyway” because THAT kind of stuff is why the game is dying. We can get 5 of the players the old-timers want and the game continues to die, or we get 1,000 new players, those 10 old guys leave and the game stays alive and healthy. This is a mindset change for all of the players, old and new, and the developers. Stay with the times or get left behind, it really is that simple. Sucks, but it is the fact of the matter.
I think default newbie squads led by volunteers isn't a bad idea, but I do think squads and squad visibility needs some work done. Right now the only way to find out about a squad is by coming to the forums and searching through to find a squad, see if it's even active, MAYBE they have written a wiki article about themselves.
Instead, I would make squads more accessible in-game. For example, there is already a squads option in the O'Club, but it's worthless if you aren't already in a squad or you aren't trying to create one. Have the squads page display a list of active squads available. Make them clickable so a potential recruit could click on a squad they like and get information about it. What side the squad is on, total members, squad leadership, a squad description written by the CO/XO, and include a newbie-friendly checkbox that a CO/XO can select for their squad that is also displayed on the information page so a recruit knows whether or not it's a bunch of old farts who don't like new people or it's a squad willing to put in some time helping their new member along.
The mission system isn't that bad really. I've been going through it, and I like the setup. I would like to see a country-wide advertisement when a mission is created, much like when someone successfully lands a sortie but with a different color so you KNOW it's a mission.
Make missions count for something. Maybe an extra perk modifier, like 15% more perk points, with a mission requiring minimum 5 players or something to that effect. And let the mission creator set the destination (doesn't have to be visible to others) so if someone joins the mission and flies halfway across the map away from the mission track, they don’t receive the bonus, or they get kicked from the mission at X distance. This could also be another draw for subscriptions, F2P members don't get the extra perk modifier.
Website and "Play for Free" false advertising
Please god update the website. There are plenty of people who have stated that the website looks old and it's very rarely updated. Add some flair to it, make it more attractive, add some larger pictures and make it seem fun.....
If this game is not going to actually have a Free to Play option in the main arena, even with a limited planeset, get rid of all the "Play for Free" stuff. That seems to have made many new players angry to get fooled into getting the game, only to find out it's not free at all after the trial. Read the steam reviews and that's EXTREMELY evident. It's deceitful, and that is their first impression of the game and the devs, that they are out to deceive the players.
The gamer has changed over the last 15 years quite significantly and they expect a lot more. They expect up-to-date information, flashy websites, devs that listen and respond to community feedback, value for their money, in-game resources for information (not relying on forums alone), ease of use, and fun. This website and forum was just fine 15 years ago. Today it's just not up to standard, not even close.
Subscription price
This will probably be the least favorite if the devs are even reading any of this post and considering player feedback, but I’ll state my opinion again.
This game is just not $15 a month material, not compared to everything else out there. $7.95 a month MAYBE. Personally I would recommend a discounted system, like this for example:
-Monthly: $10 a month
-3 Months: $27 lump sum ($9 per month) with $3 savings.
-6 Months: $50 lump sum ($8.33 per month) with $10 savings.
-12 Months: $90 lump sum ($7.5 per month) with $30 savings.
The time has come for HTC to step up and try some new things. Time to get gimmicky, branch out there and get creative. We've been behind the times on this for well over a decade now, and if there's any hope of saving Aces High, it will require a significant break from this stagnant and out-dated mold we've become used to. I really hope we can come together and figure this out, the new players need serious attention, but a lot has to come from the devs in order for that to stand a fighting chance. The community can help some as well, but the game itself needs changing, and we as the players are pretty powerless there other than to offer our suggestions and hope they are heard.