12 kills means little other than you got 12 kills.
I have 15 kills in one scenario; does that make me suddenly better? (Yes, I did, Ask any PoTW, I'll see if I can dig it up[ in the logs)
***EDIT I lied, it was 13
Top Pilots: Kills
SEseph (80th FS "Headhunters"): 13
Nah, you missed the point. The point was that I took the inferior aircraft from the start, didn't complain or grip and had a really great time in the event [period]... That was the only point.

I will continue to support that point as well. My hat is off to those that feel challenged in the "
Least of all" aircraft. i.e. 109G-6, 202s, P-40Fs and in minor cases the P-38G.
So, If you are looking for immersion, challenge and fun that is what we hope you will find in this event. We are not always perfect or even close, but the three of us work well together and give it that old college try. We are not writing these events and then posting them for everyone to get their opportunity to change what was written. The basic foundation of the event is written and by the time the community sees it, we are just looking for tweeks. That is really it...
I urge you all to take on this challenge on as it is written with minor tweeks. You many not like somethings that you see, but I guarantee you that if you approach this event with the right attitude, it will be more fun than you can possibly image.
So prepare to plan, think and fight your way through and have a really great time doing it.
Hey it is a challenge. So go forth and be challenged.