I was assigned to Funkedup squad.
We heard a call enemy was 4,17,4 ( or was it 4,18,4?). And we got the ok to check it out, as we turned NW, I saw a SHEETLOAD of dots slightly higher and a SHEETLOAD lower to the west ( sorry called EAST in my excitment). I screamed over RW the cons, and was first in.... AS i rev'ed to get back to my wingman (Durr) I didn't relise the setup was D3.0 and as i turned i saw F6f's 1.9 my 6 and closing... all i could do was try to shake and bake,, I pinged up 2 and spired down pulling 4 with me.... after about 15-20 minutes of my hand slipping off the joystick from the persperation I succumed to the F6f's <S> to the 2 that got me EXCELLENT teamwork! Just as i got a bead on one i had to break from the other on my 6, rinse/repeat. One hellofa dogfight.
My appologies to My Wingman, and FL who i let down. We will get em next time. At least we pulled the fighter cap down.
Funkedup, anytime you need my services I'm available.