Players who have dedicated country loyalty and not belong to a squad can form Bishop or Knight or Rook New Player Squads and begin teaching. Easier said than done. Who will volunteer their time and make it happen?
you can start by quit calling them noob's newb's noobie'sjust call them new players
FNG's ok?
hehehe we can give them all a trophy..... maybe that will work since most were raised that way.
I thought that was the Achievement system
Shuffy when am I going to see that dang 38 of yours in my rear view mirror again??
Soon my friend... soon. Before that happens though you will probably more often see me in your sites.
The problem with 'noobs' and Aces High, there's a good chance they're also this old...(Image removed from quote.)
When you see a new name, don't simply assume he or she is a shade of an old hand.If you shoot down a new name, befriend them and keep it light.The learning curve is hard enough without getting attitude from players on your first sortie.It doesn't take much time to point them in the right direction and let them know what is most important when first starting out here such as controls optimization.Now if someone logs in and rattles off questions like "how do I start the engines?" or other stuff easily found on the website, let them know nicely where that information can be found.