All the commercials in the world will not work on a product people do not want.
Most people did not find AH through a commercial. Those that did were not generating enough revenue to offset the cost of said commercials.
Word of mouth and personal initiative are still the #1 way people find products.
A single XBox will pay for AH for years. My GI JOE collection would pay for AH for ten lifetimes. One time expenses for every birthday, Christmas, trip to the store etc. year after year after year.
As a percentage of the whole a mere fraction, and ZERO PERCENT of the thousands coming into the game every month RIGHT NOW.
Someone looked at Wikipedia.
You do not understand advertising and how it works (or doesn’t).
False. I was a business major who studied this crap.
Why do you think Volvo spent millions on the same commercial every damn commercial break. I still have that F ing song stuck in my head.
How about "My pillow". That guy has became famous because of his commercials.
GI Joe was only popular because of it's TV presence. It's popularity has dropped off considerably. What happened to Action Man? Commercials reinforce the awareness of the product and make products cooler and keep them in the spotlight. I could walk all over Portland and ask them if they have heard of AH. Guaranteed not a single person would. Maybe 1. One commercial on a TV would change that. People want to be apart of things that are "in the know".
I'm willing to bet that the military channel was AH most successful marketing campaign.
Xbox still markets with commercials. #logicfail
Word of mouth and personal initiative are not #1 on a large scale. That's one reason why GI Joe no longer sells like it use to. #logicfail
The best example is that app that had Arnold Swartzenager. They put that app in your face and had a cool commercial. How many people do you think signed up? A lot more than word of mouth and personal initiative. Thats for sure.
All the commercials in the world will work on people who enjoy the concept but have never heard of it before. Expanding marketability is ALWAYS a good thing.