In a few days, this weekend for sure the C.O.'s on the 10th will be e-mailed their mission list. They in turn will look at the 6 or so squads they have and decide out of the 10 or so missions they receive what missions will be flown. They will then simply e-mail each squad and tell them what mission/s the have been assigned and what field they should roll from.
***What planes are available at what fields are listed on the TOD site in the event description.
Frame C.O.'s can tell the squad what planes to fly or they can let the squad decide.
After that they are done. Pretty easy being a Frame C.O.
I suppose Frame C.O.'s might have to answer some questions, but come Friday at 11 PM Eastern "everyone" should know what they are doing. Squad log on and at 11:05 PM they roll.
Here is an example of some missions that a Frame C.O. might be sent.
Allied Mission ListJABO Enemy field 7 targets ack.
JABO Enemy field 2 targets ack.
Coastal Patrol Fields 43, 44, and 49.
Coastal Patrol Fields 54, 55, and 56.
Heavy Bomber Strike Enemy field 7 targets all hangers
Heavy Bomber Strike Enemy field 2 targets all hangers.
Escort Bombers to 7.
Escort Bombers to 2.
Troops to 7.
Troops to 2.
Fighter Sweep enemy fields 19, 20, and 21.
Fighter Sweep enemy fields 3, 4, and 7.
Photo Recon enemy port 61.
Now with only 6 squadrons I don't expect the Frame C.O. to assign all the mission, but he will have to pick and choose what he thinks is best.
For frame 2 on the 17th those Frame C.O.'s will be e-mailed a new mission list several days prior. Some might be the same, or they all might be different. They might even all be the same. They then do the same thing all over again. Look at the missions and assign them to the squads they have.
Personally I would give all the squads with 4-6 pilots just one mission. Maybe a squad with 7-10 missions I might give two, unless it was a buff run. The large squads that might have 15 pilots I would likely give two missions, but this is the call of the Frame C.O.
Other questions?
[ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: daddog ]