We got the impression from Bustr that it took 20 years and three heart attacks to make a map!
Here are some random thoughts. Sorry if it turns into a wall of text.
Twenty years, NO, not for a custom arena or the AvA.
Jaeger is knocking out Monday Night Madness and Tank Night terrains in about a week from start to ready for play in our arena. Admittedly, he's been doing it for awhile now and he knows my days of terrain building are coming to a close.
Small terrains of 64 miles by 64 miles or less (32x32), are the most fun projects. Artik's program is
way under appreciated, PERIOD. In a few minutes use, capturing norther Italy for instance, and you have the beginnings of a great canyon terrain.
Someone asked about it: Once on the server, the download is automatic for everyone else, but that doesn't mean the terrain is automatically stable. Test it! And PLEASE don't upload a terrain unless you are committed to completing it. There are too many false start terrains on the server now! Just take a look if you can stand to wade through them all. You'll see what I mean. We have to wade through those to find the ones that are actually usable in the AvA, etc. Most of ours' start with the ava prefix, but I pity the CMs looking for SEA terrains.
For most people, an MA terrain is a slog. But hour for hour invested in the effort, it will pay in player hours in the arena. Months building an AvA terrain sees little player hours in return.
I do it because I care about the arena and want a free hand creating custom objects, textures and layouts without answering to anyone that hasn't tested it. In other words, we allow a free hand in the AvA to innovate. Note: Some of the things Waffle does at HTC are eye wateringly exotic! And keeping up with those guys has always been chasing a moving target.
OMG nrshida, I'm still