As mentioned before, the logs for frame 2 will show a different story. I designed the Axis plan specifically to split forces and attack 90 degrees offset, flash bases, and put scout sweep fighters in front to create as much chaos and fog of war as possible to give us a chance at getting bombs on target and run the allies out of as much ammo as possible before bombers would arrive.
Attacking with betties from a distance where maneuvering for an approach to target with deception is not easy in this scenario.
Allies have faster fighters with cannon. The right attack run on a bomber set can drop all three in a single pass.
Frame 2 worked out much better because we did get two additional squads that allowed for a little flexibility moving to contact.
Again, you'll see it when the logs come out. There was some intense fighting. We lost an entire bomb group on one end but bombs out and a great attack from the other end. 3 hangers and a portion of town is success. The fact we landed any bombers is icing on the cake.
Fuel became our fighter's biggest enemy the second half of the frame. I landed with 2 gallons left and no rudder.
Looking forward to frame 3.
This month presents some unique challenges for the Axis. Forces us to really think and plan.
I spent well over 12 hours planning frame 2 and flying test routes. The mission was perfectly executed. I couldn't have asked for more from the squads that flew the mission. It's simply a complicated problem to solve.
But I do claim an Axis victory for frame 2 in that we hit target and landed some bombers. Hey... ...theybwere betties!!! Even one landing is victory IMHO.