I don't know if this genuinely is a newer player from another flight sim or a shade trying to troll the decent folk who try to help, in which case I think it's pretty bad form and destructive to the game. So stop it.
Just as a heads up: player complaining on 200 for several hours (I hear) that his guns do nothing but we hit him with one ping and his wing comes off etc etc. Lots of people trying to help, explaining convergence, lead etc. Claimed he could out fly nearly everyone & it was just his gunnery. One match in the MPA revealed it was not a gunnery problem.
A person more resistant to listening I have never encountered. Some people you can't help I think. Frankly I think His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama would slap this guy silly after 20 minutes conversation.
His final message on 200 was that I / we'd made it clear he was not welcome and he was leaving the game. This is NOT what happened.
I think a testament to the AH population that so many tried to help him.