Well... First off, forget any speculation that the Allies planned "massed suicide Jabo raids". Come on... as if.
Here are the orders I sent out:
http://modena.intergate.ca/personal/cwharton/sbm/sledge.htm You wont see the word "suicide" anywhere.
And you'll also notice that I grouped our planes up in such a way that the extent of our casualties *should* have been totally avoided if the mission were executed a bit better.
The fact is we made it to our targets and destroyed them as planned... we just did not maintain our formation sufficiently enough to prevent the losses we incurred.
Another thing...
Maybe some people augured (I only know of one firsthand). The rest (many) were shot down. This means that our Jabo points were not clean at all - if 25 of our AC were shot down that's 500 points to you guys. It didn't happen in a vacuum - you benefited from our deaths... and it's reflected there on the scoreboard.
It was a peculiar frame. It was I think the first time either a massive blitz strategy and a feint, almost delayed strategy were utilized to such an extent. And these two strategies ended up facing each other in the same frame. The result - massive A/G destruction by one side, and massive A/A destruction by the other... and a slim 100 points was the margin. Seems kind of natural to me... It could have gone either way, but not by much. It was a very close frame, unless you only counted the damage from one perspective.
A/A victories aren't going to be a deciding factor if these aircraft are still allowed to meet their objectives - which they did.
Personally, I couldn't be happier about the way this thing turned out... but not for the reasons you may think. A single point separated both sides going into the final frame of the last series. This time it's as close as 15 points (a single building or plane)... These make for great nights.
Another thing I wanna point out is that these TODs are young. There *are* going to be problems... and that's obvious just by witnessing the responsiveness by the CMs in adjusting things as we go. There may be scoring problems, planning problems, whatever... but they *are* being listened to and where appropriate, fixed. So I don't begrudge anyone for pointing out issues such as this (for this frame already has exposed some problems which have either been fixed or are currently being discussed)... Just try and keep in mind that this thing is continuously developing as we go. Nobody should get *too* worked up over this stuff... the TOD is just gonna keep getting stronger as we go.
<S> to both sides and best of luck in the final frame.