1. Check the map. This means a lot actually. The base stats and roster will tell you everything no matter the map. Each day and time has different meaning based on who's playing i.e. squad nights or mornings and how to proceed against a given ccountry and target.
2. Finding an nme base near the main action that will benefit my country the most is usually my first target. These days I run on 2 or 3 pcs flying buffs and running troops in unison when I play. So im either taking the base in 30 minutes or its move onto the next base. Unless a squad is already working then I will run all buffs and provide totall logistic operations. Shutting down bases and wfing/de-acking within 10 minutes when possible. Even sending a set or two to adjacent bases closing gv hangers spawning into the base.
It always has and always will be about winning the war...
3. After the first base falls (usually within the first 15-20 minutes these days) its all about momentum. Blitzkrieg base taking is critical so if I can work 2 bases at once from log in to log out I will no matter whether its an airfield, gv base, or port. Its just that this can be hard to coordinate by myself so I try to work in packs.
4. If im really not in the mood to put in work I link up the sets in nice tight formations and try to give the enemy a nice fat target to shoot at until something gets going