Right now I'm fixing a problem tank furballers have that is exactly like air furballers. On BowlMA I made the center crater too big with too many places to hide. The best adapted and got too good at ambushing, so people stopped tank furballing there. They want to go where there are a lot of tanks from their own country to hide with as a sardine school.
Two, three, four, six, sides it dosen't matter. Only a small number of players want to play air or ground samurai, the rest want numbers to hide in for their $14.95 evening of play time. Hitech's game is three sides, if you want to keep trying to prove something to the effect that you are smarter than him in the realm of his career, go at it. Mostly it makes you look foolish as someone grinding an ax while trying to get even with him dancing on the edge of the rule#'s to tell him you think he's a failure and stuck in the past.
Biggest complaint about tanking with the speedtree clutter and trees is not enough open space to see through before being ambushed like you could in AH2. So I've reduced the crater to one village inside of a 3mile dia area and the gallery is 1.5 miles out from the village center. I'm using a tile that has very sparse trees while using micro hills and gully's in place of small trees and bushes that everyone shuts down and goes invisible in. Any farther and some players are not setup to see other tanks and get nailed for not adjusting their graphics sliders. Air combat, all you need are airfields and the air combat players will do the rest.
First run at the center of the terrain doodling, it will be three 1x1mile vbases spaced 5 miles from the center of the village. The first airfields in each country are not populated for 1.5 sectors away from these three vbases in the map center. I'll have to drop in a vbase and some spawns to make sure everyone can hide up on the gallery like on the AH2 craterMA and snipe each other without having to move. Only the best of the best tank fighters like the trees and bushes anymore. I've even had a serious request to build an MA terrain with only grass on it by a tank player.....