Here is my plea for raising the object limit:
As far as I know the object limit has been raised to 10k objects. Now I have been calculating a bit....
Average airfield + city + spawn points = 70 objects
Average country object (HQ/City/etc) = 60 objects
Average Depot/Station + rail/roads = 150
Presume each 4 fields have a Depot
Presume each 2 country objects have on station
Default number of object on map:
3 (number of countries) x (7x60 (HQ, City, ack, fuel, ammo, troops, radar) + 3.5x160 (3.5 stations for country objects))=
3x((7x60)+(3.5x150)=3x(420+560) is about 3000 objects
This leaves about 7k object for fields.
Average field have 70 objects + 1/4 depot = 70 + 40 = 110 objects per field
7000/110 = 63 field
Well, most maps already have about 80 fields but mostly not all of these fields have supply routes which leaves extra objects for more fields.
Now my point... The maps which have about 80 fields are 256x256 miles and if you want a 512x512 map you must either stop after about 80 field cause you will be out of objects but 80 fields spread out over a 512x512 map makes the map very spread out and flight times are about double MA distance.
If you want to make a filled up 512x512 map, you will need about 15k object limit and if you want to really use the 256 field limit it need to be raised about 32k objects.
Is this possible to raise this limit? Pretty please with sugar on top?