Hello, all!

Time to pick the June, 2019 Scenario.
Please choose one of the choices below. Voting will stay open for about two weeks.
Feel free to talk about why you think your choice is best or why some other option is not a good thing to pick.
Once voting is done, though, the choice is made, and it will no longer be the time to talk about how people shouldn't have picked what they picked.
Please pick one of:
A. Midway. Carrier battle and attack of Midway. F4F, SBD, TBM, maybe Brewster vs. Zero, D3A, B5N.
B. Patton's Gambit. Late 1945/early 1946 US vs. Soviet "what if". Fighter combat, level bombing, attack missions. Estimated plane set: P-51D, P-47M, P-47D-40 attackers, B-26 vs. Yak-9U, maybe Yak-3, La-7, A-20, Tu-2.
C. Anzio. USAAF vs. Luftwaffe and Regia Aeronautica in Italy. Action will be air combat, level bombing, attack missions. Estimated plane set: P-38J, P-47D-11, P-40F, Spitfire VIII vs. Bf 109G-6, FW190A-5 or F-8 (tbd), JU88A-4, C.205.
D. The Battle of Tali-Ihantala 1944. Finnish Air Force and Luftwaffe vs. VVS in the Continuation War. Air combat, level bombing, attack missions. Estimated plane set: La-5, Yak-9T, maybe Yak-9U, P-39, Tu-2, Il-2 vs. FW 190A-5, Bf 109G-2/6, Brewster, Ju 88, FW 190F-8.