The game needs to be fun for new players. It's not a war, they can leave anytime and they're paying to play. How does perking more planes help them have fun and stick around for a while? A player who's been here for years probably knows there's nothing better but new players often quit before appreciating that.
I think new players would be more frustrated at the fact that they never get into a fight but are constantly BnZ'd by fast planes. Even if they put the effort in to get good they can never win against a plane that can (and all too often does) just out run them.
I have been here a number of years and that has to be my biggest gripe. Bear in mind I fly a 51 almost exclusively so should be able to run players down however too many choose to run away as the first option, to the point that the game frustrates me enough to not bother anymore.
I think this is the best game of its genre but there is a general tendency to run first fight second.
I do not know the answer. Having a game filled with more spit 1's and 109e's might help but IMO all you will see is the same behaviours just 75 moh slower.