Author Topic: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up  (Read 10063 times)

Offline Arlo

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2019, 12:25:18 AM »
Bomber scoring works the same as in Nuisance Raids, Pantelleria, and Kuban.

Bomber pilots get 3 points for a Successful Drop.

A Successful Drop is if he destroys at least one Valid Target in a Mission.  A Mission is launch, go to a target, come back or die in the process.

So a bomber pilot launches, kills 1 building (or 2 buildings, or 23 buildings), and comes back (or dies in the process) -- he gets +3 points.

Realizing that I did not fly in any of those previous events and there may be other players that did not:

"One “Mission” is a launch, traveling toward one or more Valid Targets, and land back at a base if still alive." actually means toward just one valid target. So proceeding to the second valid target is meaningless since there will be no further points added to the previously earned points (if indeed points were earned on that single valid target).

Will the object destroy time be minimized or will there be object destroy times that discourage bomber players who lose their entire formation before they get to the target from immediately launching for the target again (or even waiting a potentially short period until they can form with at least another two players in similar circumstances to do so)?

I understand that bomber players are encouraged to try to stay alive and complete their mission all the way to landing and that they are to be discouraged from crashing or bailing in order to re-up faster ... but I might recommend some sort of point rewards for landing that might help encourage them further in such regard. I mean, face it, players can be crafty enough to make sure they are shot down (even though it awards axis pilots points) rather than have to fly all the way back home. If they earned at least one point per plane brought home it might help give them motivation not to. (If this is not deemed practical or if it's thought to somehow bring imbalance into the design, so be it. I just rather use carrots than sticks to inspire fellow allied bomber pilots to fly like they care about their planes and crews).  :salute

Offline Arlo

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2019, 01:23:11 AM »
On fourth thought, never-mind.

A mission is one valid target then do one's level best to bring your planes and crews home. Once home or dead (remember, fight with all your strength/talent not to die because that is expected), one may re-up for valid targets of the phase (geez, another question - if the phase passes to another phase do bombers continue onto the original target or switch to the next phase target? Do they have to return home first by safely landing so they would spawn from the correct phase spawn?)

Offline 1ijac

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2019, 01:32:44 AM »
Arlo,  The way I understand the scoring, bombers get 3 points for a successful drop of an object in a mission and only 3 points are available.  If a bomber formation bails or augers, the enemy will be awarded 3 points for the 3 deaths.  If all 3 bombers in the formation are shot down, the enemy gets one point for each bomber kill (3 points).  So there is incentive to get as many as the bomber formation birds back.  Otherwise, why even fly the mission if one is going to intentionally die in their bombers and drones.  It would be a wash in points if a player did that.   

:::::: Slaps Arlo on the fanny ::::::      Go gettum Tiger!    :)


Offline Brooke

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2019, 01:37:32 AM »
Label A:  take off
try to bomb targets.
did you hit any?
-- If yes, add 3 points
-- If no, add 0 points
try to get back to base for landing if you are still alive
goto Label A

Offline Arlo

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2019, 02:34:38 AM »
Clarification for my original questions are understood.  :salute

If the phase passes to the next phase before my bombers make it to the original phase's target (even if only a minute out), do bombers continue on to the original target or switch to the next phase's target (running a greater risk of interception/ shoot down)? If neither, do they have to return home first by safely landing so they would spawn from the correct (new) phase spawn point since bailing or augering would award points to the enemy (also running a risk of intercept with no points awarded)?  :headscratch:

Offline swareiam

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2019, 07:24:31 AM »
Clarification for my original questions are understood.  :salute

If the phase passes to the next phase before my bombers make it to the original phase's target (even if only a minute out), do bombers continue on to the original target or switch to the next phase's target (running a greater risk of interception/ shoot down)? If neither, do they have to return home first by safely landing so they would spawn from the correct (new) phase spawn point since bailing or augering would award points to the enemy (also running a risk of intercept with no points awarded)?  :headscratch:


This is why we attempt to have a strong side CO and Bomber skipper to lead the formation. A lot of your questions will be answered by your CO and GL once the event is underway.

A lot of your forethought on these issues are unnecessary right now. Guys likely APDrone and Slipknot are suburb at amassing their formations, getting the target hit and getting their pilots back home as well, it's all in the planning. Besides, the likelihood that you will be flying around the target area by yourself and survive long enough to drop your ordnance is extremely low. I know of at least 42 other aircraft that are trying to prevent you from doing just that.

Flossy is the only one I know that has ever successfully pulled that off more than once. She got a bunch of gunner kills to prove it.

Again, a lot of your questions will be directly answered by the CO and the Bomber skipper, as far as approach and egress on a target.

Thanks again for your questions.

AKWarHwk of the Arabian Knights
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2019, 07:53:29 AM »
My apologies. I 'll leave future scenario rule clarification questions to my CO when we have one to ask them.  :salute :cheers:

Offline Brooke

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2019, 04:14:26 PM »
Targets will be per phase.

So, if bombers are up and won't get to a target by end of phase, they need to take into account that they will need to go to the target that is active in the next phase.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2019, 05:43:35 PM »
Targets will be per phase.

So, if bombers are up and won't get to a target by end of phase, they need to take into account that they will need to go to the target that is active in the next phase.

Thanks, man.  :)  :cheers:

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2019, 12:45:40 AM »
Late question but I’m wondering how you’ve justified 4 262s and 2 234s with the small numbers involved?

Back in the days of 100+ a side events, 4 262s threw things off.  Now you are taking 10 percent of the Luftwaffe and putting them in jets. 

As an aside I’m also curious how those from the design/CM team can justify grabbing seats in those jets, if for no other reason than it looks bad to any new guy looking at the event for the first time.
8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2019, 07:50:00 AM »
The 262s don't really bother me in the setup...if anything...I would set aside small group of Ponies to hunt said CMs in 262s...but I like challenges... :aok
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2019, 09:49:42 PM »
The 262s don't really bother me in the setup...if anything...I would set aside small group of Ponies to hunt said CMs in 262s...but I like challenges... :aok

You missed the whole point of his post.

I really enjoy these 12 hour events but I believe I will sit this one out.
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline perdue3

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #27 on: April 20, 2019, 12:55:36 AM »

We actually discussed Me 262's at length while designing this. If you look at the change logs in the event you will see that the discussion swung many times. The Me 262 is overrated in events, in my opinion and some others. Sounds rich from perdweeb, I know, but success against high altitude, late war USAAF is difficult to obtain. B-17 and B-24 formations (boxes if you will) are death sentences to 262's. I, and my squadron under my orders in FSO, do not attack them unless they are alone (without fighters and without multiple formations around them). If the sets find themselves alone, they are certainly dead. So, instead, it is more effective to attack and attract escorts. This also means that you are a target for likely higher fighters. In this setup, there is no fighter alt cap. Me 262's will struggle to get to 28K while P-51's and P-47's circle over at 32-34K. Relatively, the 262 is not as fast as it seems at 12K in the MA, the speed charts conform to this.

With regards to the number of Me 262's, it is a twofold answer. Having anything less than 4 of anything that shoots down aircraft should not happen. This is regardless of how many pilots are participating. It makes for a strange strategic element as well as a strange experience for the pilots. This is an opinion, mind you, and I expect many to disagree with this. I believe that if you cannot justify having four fighters of any kind, then you may as well have zero. I do not recall jets throwing things off. I remember Frame 6 of BoG when the jets did little, accounting for only around 10% of the total Axis kills. I am not saying that jets aren't or won't be impactful, but they are nothing like what you are describing. I have flown 262's in about every setting one could imagine, my least favorite is against late war Americans at high altitude. The reasons for this should be obvious.

As for the Ar 234, it is nigh harmless. It scouts and goes fast, that is about it. It is not allowed to attack bombers nor may it bomb anything. It will just fly around and report locations. I wouldn't worry too much about them, personally.

After consoling the list of aircraft and squadrons available in this event, I thought I might like to fly the Me 262 and lead its pilots. As the CO of the only dedicated Me 262 squadron in Aces High, I believe our squadron and myself always needs sharpening. In fact, last year we had a squad discussion about our poor performances in jets over the last few events we had them in. I really enjoy flying the Me 262, just as some enjoy flying F4U's, P-38's, Fw 190D's, P-51's, etc. I also enjoy the tactics at the grand and local levels of a jet squadron. I don't quite understand how it looks bad to choose an airplane and squadron to fly in on the registration page. With that being said, if a newcomer to TFT wishes to fly a Me 262 and there are none to go around, he may certainly fly mine a round or two if the Axis CO is okay with it :aok.

C.O. Kommando Nowotny


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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2019, 01:54:40 AM »
I really enjoy these 12 hour events but I believe I will sit this one out.

Common Shuff join the party those jets have nothing on us above 25K :devil

Honestly I am more afraid for the DMG there G14's and A8's can do to our bomber's. But those 262's make it interesting at lower alts.

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Re: Target for Today - "Bavaria 1945" - Event Write-Up
« Reply #29 on: April 20, 2019, 06:52:58 AM »
You missed the whole point of his post.

I really enjoy these 12 hour events but I believe I will sit this one out.

No I got his point....

Apparently you didn't get mine...perhaps look at the registration...last I looked we had 8...allied had 8 spots to go...

4 262 ain't gonna do nothing...but there won't be a 38 safe from my g14 squad
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
CO   Anti-Horde