This will be useful to the CM team, AvA staff and custom arena terrain builders. Custom shapes are not allowed in MA terrains unless approved by HTC.
This is a description of the files needed to create a square tile, and where to find the output files, and where to land them. The user is expected to become familiar with the Object Editor and have the ability to add, move and rotate the objects desired for the square tile.
Included is the formats and sizes of textures, and the addition of trees and ground clutter, and how these relate. The name used here for the ground is ‘name1x1m’ and the name of the object is ‘name0’ to distinguish the two.
Brackets, [ ], indicate variables to be filled in, such as [myTerr], terrset[00], [name], etc.
Acknowledged is the fact that square tiles do not have room for all the textures used in skinning vehicles, but some of that knowledge is useful. This text uses the simplified texture extensions instead of the old RGB channel designations.
A square tile needs the following for the ground:
[name1x1m].ac ac3d format creates the shape file
[name1x1m].bmp indexed256 the visible diffuse texture*
[name1x1m]_A.bmp grayscale ‘blends’ the visible texture into the terrain
[name1x1m]_D.bmp grayscale Detail, roads etc
[name1x1m]_S.bmp grayscale Sun reflection
[name1x1m]_n.bmp 32bit normal map
*Currently, all these textures must be 512x512 pixels for each 1x1 square mile in a tile. A 4x4 mile city is 4 x 512 pixels square, or 2048 x 2048 pixels. This resolution is not a variable. Btw, this is very close to the same resolution of the 1016 atlas1 terrain tiles.
When the .ac file is 'Converted', it produces the following files in the userlib folder*:
1. [name1x1m].shp
2. [name1x1m].htx
3. [name1x1m]_NEP.htx
When the .til file is 'Built', it adds the following into the newshps folder:
4. [name1x1m]_CL.htx**
5. [name1x1m]_EV.htx
6. [name0].shp
[name0].swa – the Tree file - more on this below, click the link.
A copy of each of these files must then move into the terrain’s texsrc folder to be available in that terrain when loaded by the Terrain Editor. Be sure to leave the originals in the userlib folder or they won’t be available in the OE.
* When the 'tile' is built, items 4 and 5 are also created/updated in the userlib folder.
** If these files are not built or updated, there is a problems with the textures. Bitmap format is usually the problem, or improper texture size.