This is why nothing pisses me off more than people calling conservatives 'Nazis'. The Nazis were in Cahoots with the Russian commies from day 1. They were all fighting for the same thing, a communist government take over for all of Europe. Then Hitler decided, meh, screw Russia, we want that too. (How nationalist of him). Stalin realized that Hitler was a crazy lunatic so he joined our efforts out of spite. Since then, the US has always been buddy buddy with the Soviets. McCarthy knew but of course the Soviets and Dems had our media already so they shamed him and made him to be the bad guy. Since then the Soviets and Nazis regrouped with each other as they realized they still had the same overall global ideals of government totalitarian control. Now we have the Russian Soviets, Dem soviets and Nazi Germany leaders like Merkel who have all taken over the EU. That's why the EU has turned against their own people to allow migrants to take over countries. They hate nationalist who are proud of their countries. Russia is mad because they no longer have control of the American people's perception thru the soviet media. Everything the Dems are doing today is reverse psychology projection, a soviet tactic. They shall get no credit from us.