Author Topic: Forgive my many questions please  (Read 5328 times)

Offline FLS

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2019, 01:39:44 PM »
If you haven't tried a scenario yet there's a good one tomorrow, Saturday 8/31, from noon til midnight ET. Spitfires and Hurricanes for the good guys.

Offline snugar109

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2019, 02:14:22 PM »
Or jump in a 109E they are a ton of fun to fly  :x

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2019, 03:07:28 PM »
Hi SAAM, didn't mean to pounce on ya so badly last night.  :devil.

I remembered you had this post too late. Was just about to message you again but you had logged. I guess I don't blame ya. Don't get discouraged. Those are all learning experiences!   :old:

Your experience reminds me when I started. Played some combat flight sim before AH. Thought I was going to kick some tail. Ended up getting drilled left and right by crazy good fighters. There is a lot to learn, if you want to learn. For me if was the funnest thing to learn. I'd highly recommend going to the dueling arena with me or someone once in a while and learn ACM, 1v1 combat.

Somethings I noticed when fighting you. You need to look around and check 6 a lot more. In those furball situations, every 5-10 seconds or so, perhaps even more rapidly than that. Learn to fly the plane while looking behind you essentially. I use a hat switch soooo, can't say much about VR.

Take stall limiter off. It will be very beneficial. You will be able to turn a lot harder. I noticed that it appeared like just wernt getting enough turn in that spit. Check your flight settings in the options while in the MA on the clipboard. You will get a lot more out of your plane.

Once you get killshooter off, you will be able to get much more going interms of plane maneuvering. You need to be very quick with your actions in a furball situations. Whip those plane around and use stall, flaps, throttle, and rollrate to out maneuver your opponent. Be aggressive when someone hops on your 6. Make em work for it. Get into a scissors and get under their nose. Be like a shark when he enters into a swarm of fish. Unpredictable. Quick strikes. Get alt and get speed.

Measuring E (energy) state, getting good merges on planes, get some alt, patience with the alt, using E with alt.  understanding the fight. Understanding how each plane flys and what their strengths and weaknesses are, will all help you prepare for the fight you are about to have with them.

Learning defense. This is the hardest part but will come with experience. This game is all about you being in a defensive situation most of the time. Learning how to get guys off your 6, and then counter punching to kill them is some of the best times you can have. Watch this quick video (19 seconds) over and over again to see how a defensive can work. This move will help you greatly to avoid those pesky divers.

If I see you on next time, I'll show you some things in the DA and will let you join my plane in the MA so you can see how it's done.

Keep at it!


« Last Edit: September 15, 2019, 03:11:19 PM by DmonSlyr »
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2019, 03:22:37 PM »
I have a question for Sam, do you use the VR controllers to fly, or do you have a HOTAS setup?

Offline Puma44

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2019, 03:53:39 PM »
Do some research on how to fly BFM and use of the energy management egg concept.  Many players know bits and pieces of theses two subjects but, fail to teach/demo the all the basics to new players which leads to a lot of newbie frustration.  It’s the concept of crawl, walk, run that we all started out with.   :salute

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2019, 06:28:45 PM »
Hey Brother,
  Thanks so very kindly for the kind words and advice.. all duly noted and will be put into practice. No need to worry about me becoming discouraged friend.. I always take a beating as a learning experience and look forward to more "Shark Tank" nights.. 👍
I'm still amazed that I never heard of this game until 3 months ago as I am a flight combat fanatic!! LOL.. Probably because I was always a console player until this year when I got a rift.
Hell, my call sign "SAAM I AM" comes from Ace Combat when I was ranked 3rd global from 2006 to 2011 when I dominated the game with my F/A 18 and used Semi Active Air to Air Missles (SAAM). BandaiNamco even produced a shoulder patch in my honor.. LOL
So to be honest, to come in here and face you killers is quite humbling after being so dominant in AC for so many years.. LOL But dont worry, This diddlying Marine might get knocked down but he never stops coming... hahaha
Regarding the settings.. keep in mind that Im flying with Oculus Rift (diddlying awesome) and using the touch controllers so I am literally sitting in the cockpit of a scaled plane with my hand on the planes flight stick and throttle in the cockpit (not a HOTAS). I will never fly without VR again.. Flying this way is not without some limitations however....
1.) Checking six.. I dont have the luxury of full view behind me like you do with the hat, I can only see as far as my neck can turn and my cockpit bubble will allow. (This cracks my kids up when they see me frantically trying to look behind me while in the headset). So without a doubt non vr players have an advantage with six checking.
2.) stall limiter is already off.. I'll have to chalk that one up to "noobism" and poor E management.  Also, I get so wrapped up in trying to get inside that I forget to break away for a minute and regain speed/alt.
3.) convergence... Now here is what is killing and frustrating the hell our of me.. I am really struggling with the firing dope. I find myself getting shot down by a single pass often be it from behind, head on, from under or above.. Single burst from the enemy and Im down. But for me, Its taking for ever.. Im not sure if its vr to non vr lag or if I am not leading correctly or what. For example, I shot down this guy named "Joker" last night while in a Jap Zero and it literally took my entire load of ammo to do it. Lots of time I run out of ammo and not getting the kill.. I see my tracers merge plotting but no hits.. What am I doing wrong there?

Her is the single most frustrating and "I don't get it" thing about this game so far (no, its not the runway vultures 'cause situating permitting, I too shall Buzzard). Its the intentional ramming. The guy that crashes into you on purpose because he knows that you will die and he will live.. Can anybody explain to me just how the hell any plane can survive a high speed mid air collision? Accidents happen and planes will collide, i get it but to those who exploit that part of the game and weaponize collisions. well, you're just a big Ole bag of sweetheart... lol.

I don't check the forums as often as I should but to be here is time away from flying.. 😉
Some other things thats hard to do while in VR...
Using the keyboard... Super hard to use the keyboard when ya can't see it.. So If you happen to send me a Salute and I don't return it, just know that this Marine snapped to and sent ya a crisp one right back.. 4 times now Ive crashed while sending, or attempting to send a salute.
Planes with yokes.... In VR, flying the Mosquitto (why is it missing the 55mm cannon?) or B25,26 ect with a yoke vs a flight stick is sketchy.. If the game feels you are too quick on the left/right movement, it will lock up the yoke and give you a message (Host message, dont move yoke so quickly) well, in a fight, by the time you regain control of the yoke its too late, either you been shot down or crash..
Lastly, controller mapping.. The touch controllers are the only way to go while in vr. Why? Immersive realism.. Quite simply you have what feels like a .38 snubnose pistol grip in each hand and while flying in vr and with the flight stick visually in your hand, you brain begins to think that you are actually holding the actual stick in the plane..
Coolest thing/weirdest thing to happen to me in VR so far.. I was coming in hot in a Typhoon, I got it slowed down just enough for a picture perfect landing and when my plane finally came to a stop, the momentum kept me going and I face planted out of my chair onto the floor.. my wife is still laughing at me and its been like 3 days since it happened..

Without a doubt, playing in VR has some disadvantages when facing off against a non vr Ace like yourself, but to me its worth it to escape the every day grind and grit of society and transport myself into WWII to blow some toejam up!!

Again, I very much appreciate the advice so keep em coming. I will post this reply in the training forum as well so the rest of the killers can share in my reply and your advice..

Oh yeah, one more thing... Squadron invites..
So, as a brand new player to AH and new member to this outstanding community, I wish to experience it as a whole before committing to an existing squad or starting one.
I started three months ago and flew with the fine fine gentlemen and pilots in Rooks. Special thanks to Higheye, KimoSabe, Driver and Diver, Racdog, Pops, Dlo and anybody that I forgot to mention.. Great great people and really fluffluff'n good pilots.. I have just switched to Knightsand will be in support of these killers for the next three months before switching to Bishops for three months.. After that I will find a home and settle in to start building my legacy.. hehehe

Till then boys.... see you in the skies!!,


Offline Oldman731

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2019, 07:18:20 PM »
Im flying with Oculus Rift (diddlying awesome) and using the touch controllers so I am literally sitting in the cockpit of a scaled plane with my hand on the planes flight stick and throttle in the cockpit (not a HOTAS).

This sounds so Most Excellent Diggit that I am contemplating VR.  Thanks for the image.

For convergence, you'll have any number of people suggest any number of settings.  For me, 300 yards works for .50s, Hizookas and MG151s.  Other cannon I set at 250.  .303s are useless beyond 200 yards, but chop a plane up pretty nicely at that range or less.  I set those at 175.  The important thing is not to start shooting until you're close to your convergence setting.

You've got an excellent attitude.  We will consider you for the AH cloning program.  We like to advertise it as being voluntary.  Heh.

- oldman

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2019, 07:30:12 PM »
I think the VR controllers put you at a bit of a disadvantage. There seems to be a bit of lag to the input to me.

Her is the single most frustrating and "I don't get it" thing about this game so far (no, its not the runway vultures 'cause situating permitting, I too shall Buzzard). Its the intentional ramming. The guy that crashes into you on purpose because he knows that you will die and he will live.. Can anybody explain to me just how the hell any plane can survive a high speed mid air collision? Accidents happen and planes will collide, i get it but to those who exploit that part of the game and weaponize collisions. well, you're just a big Ole bag of sweetheart... lol.

The thing you need to understand about collisions, is what YOU see is WHAT YOU GET. So if you avoid ALL collisions you will never take damage from a collision. Due to lag what you see on your computer is a bit off from what the other guy sees on his. SO HTC has set it up to go by what your seeing. If you collide you take damage even if the other guy doesnt see a collision on his screen. At the speed we are flying a millisecond covers a lot of distance, so a half dozen milliseconds of lag means you SEE yourselves flying close working to get your shot, but the other guys see you as no danger . The biggest thing to remember is to AVOID the collision and you wont collide. That means that if your in a buff and a guy climbs up your butt and it looks like he will collide, maneuver your plane or it will count as a collision and you'll take damage.

There use to be a great gif showing the difference from both points of view. What you see is what you get, avoid collisions and you wont collide and take damage. Close encounters are the other guy FIRING as he passes close/collides with you and yes you take damage during those. 

3.) convergence... Now here is what is killing and frustrating the hell our of me.. I am really struggling with the firing dope. I find myself getting shot down by a single pass often be it from behind, head on, from under or above.. Single burst from the enemy and Im down. But for me, Its taking for ever.. Im not sure if its vr to non vr lag or if I am not leading correctly or what. For example, I shot down this guy named "Joker" last night while in a Jap Zero and it literally took my entire load of ammo to do it. Lots of time I run out of ammo and not getting the kill.. I see my tracers merge plotting but no hits.. What am I doing wrong there?

Leading is hard to figure out. different guns have different ballistics.The best thing I can tell you is film each flight. Watch them later. When you score hits rewind the film and look at the lead when you shoot. Jumping into the other plane can also show you where your rounds are high, too low, out front or behind......most are behind  :)

Offline FLS

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2019, 11:18:15 PM »
Saam, a good feasibility test for using the VR controllers is flying the standard aerobatic figures.

I don't see why the VR controllers can't be mapped to get a rear view but you do have limited buttons.

Collisions happen, when you understand the system you'll appreciate it. Some people claim to exploit collisions but that's mostly BS. It's generally not intentional, they are avoiding the collision, you aren't. The one sided collisions are actually more fair. It's hard to understand until you realize it's 4 planes not 2. Your plane is on both your PC and the bandit's PC and the relative positions are slightly different on each PC.

Proper gunnery is easy when you already understand ballistics. Just turn on the gunsight aid in the TA to see the proper lead when you have a bandit locked to practice with. This will help you learn the proper sight picture. Alt-Tab turns on friendly lock. Tab locks nearby aircraft.

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2019, 06:06:44 PM »
On same options tab, you can also turn on precision Dive Bomb sight, also. Great for learning bombing techniques--- if interested. Found under Arena Options-Arena Flags-Flight Mode Flags-Precision Dive bomb Sight/Lead Computing Sight. With the Lead Computing, you need to hit TAB key while looking at Drone, it Pad locks it and gives the green sight :aok
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain

Offline morfiend

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2019, 04:38:37 PM »
On same options tab, you can also turn on precision Dive Bomb sight, also. Great for learning bombing techniques--- if interested. Found under Arena Options-Arena Flags-Flight Mode Flags-Precision Dive bomb Sight/Lead Computing Sight. With the Lead Computing, you need to hit TAB key while looking at Drone, it Pad locks it and gives the green sight :aok

   Both those options are enabled in the TA,crtl tab will bring up the lead calculating gunsight and if you load ords it will bring up the precision bomb sight,this also works with rockets.

  I hope to be hanging out in the TA soon,if you see me just  ask and I'll be glad to help.



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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2019, 11:48:11 PM »

Proper gunnery is easy when you already understand ballistics. Just turn on the gunsight aid in the TA to see the proper lead when you have a bandit locked to practice with. This will help you learn the proper sight picture. Alt-Tab turns on friendly lock. Tab locks nearby aircraft.

Considering I spent 3 of the best years of my life a STA Marine, ballistics are something I am very very, intimately familiar with friend. I hadn't even thought of applying that skillset to the guns in this game!! Shall implement immediately!! Thanks Brother!!

Offline Puma44

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2019, 10:34:32 AM »
I’m not familiar.  What does “STA” mean?  Thanks?

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Offline FLS

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2019, 11:07:57 AM »
I’m not familiar.  What does “STA” mean?  Thanks?

Surveillance and Target Acquisition. Scout snipers. I worked with a retired SGT who did 5 tours. Nice guy, no drama.

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Re: Forgive my many questions please
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2019, 11:22:05 AM »
I saw you on last night, keep up the effort. I think you should give a stick a try, you mention not having good six views, my understanding is that with VR you use rear view with the hat switch in combination with the VR so you can look straight back thats what you do with older head tracking gear like Track IR. A logitech extreme 3d pro is pretty cheap, (less than 40 dollars,) but will last for a time and if you didn't like it you can always donate or sell it. Personally I cannot fly with a twisty stick for rudder control but a lot of people do. My joystick is a Microsoft Sidewinder FFB I got from good will for 7.99 and my throttle is an old 3d pro joystick, so you don't have to spend a bundle to try out physical hotas.

I saw you mentioned War Wings and Ace Combat and I was wondering if you had flown any other less arcady sims and what you thought of them. IL2, Rise of Flight, MSFS, DCS, etc.
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