Author Topic: Bug in Version 1 ?  (Read 776 times)

Offline Sky Viper

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Bug in Version 1 ?
« on: November 05, 2001, 09:48:00 AM »
Using 1.07 Patch 3.
I know a new version is otw, but I thought this might be worth looking into if the code used in the new version comes from this one.

At grid 10.24/12.44 it appears to draw the center to 0 every time it saves.
It seems to take the point to 0ft but in another grid as I indicate with the pink arrows below. <shrug>
It doesn't happen in Version 2, but if I fix it in V2 then open it in V1, it dorks it up again.



Offline pokie

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Bug in Version 1 ?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2001, 03:31:00 PM »
Hello Viper

Don't take this the wrong way but that's a very confusing picture (snap shot).

I'm not quite sure what your question is and you should take the snap shot from high up overhead while looking straight down.


This is what my snap shot of the 1.03 editor looks like when I first open it.

Also why are there all the yellow lines and the tiles are all black.

You did download the AHEDIT103.EXE file and not the AHEDIT101T103.EXE

If you didn't change the textures of your tiles then I would say you got a bad editor program and should download it again and reinstall it after you 1st remove this editor version.

If you are far into this map with terrain elevation Field placements I think you should be ok if you save your
files and place then in the folder after you finish reinstalling the editor again and start to build the same terrain map.


[ 11-05-2001: Message edited by: pokie ]

Offline Sky Viper

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Bug in Version 1 ?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2001, 10:32:00 AM »
I replaced the textrures with this:
So that I could see oddities such as terrain peaks/holes. It works better than the grid since it shows abrupt changes....anyhow...

I didn't take an overhead shot because it just shows a blue(sky) patch in place of the tile.
With the grid on and looking from the side, you can see that the center of the grid square (this is the 0ft alt point) is not directly under it's point.
The grid lines point toward where it is, but I can't follow them that far.
The shot I took was the best representation I could come up with.

I have not tried to go through the files and find the coordinate the is wrong since AHE2 fixed it correctly.
I just can't go back to AHE1 with this terrain or it will screw it up again.

I don't have time now, but I will try to make a new terrain later to see if I can duplicate the problem. I will also try some blank tiles to see if I can get a "Less confusing" shot.

I posted here because it looks like the math for that coordinate is wrong.


[ 11-07-2001: Message edited by: Sky Viper ]

Offline pokie

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Bug in Version 1 ?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2001, 04:47:00 PM »

Would that happen to be a water tile and any of the 9 vertices (points) set higher than 0 alt?

If water is set higher than 0 altitude it will give strange views.


Offline Sky Viper

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Bug in Version 1 ?
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2001, 08:16:00 AM »
Originally posted by pokie:

Would that happen to be a water tile and any of the 9 vertices (points) set higher than 0 alt?

If water is set higher than 0 altitude it will give strange views.


No, if you look at the status indicator in the upper right, you will see that it is set to forest.


[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Sky Viper ]