Slippery slopes and thin skins.
We had a new player recently ask if squads are like clans. When he was answered yes, he got bent out of shape that this game supported KKK type associations. All of 200 went HuH!!

If you don't like PM's just ignore them. If they persist and are vulgar, report that player. If they continue on 200 directly at you by name, report again. Very few players habituate 200 with premeditated vulgarity towards specific players. I know you can choose not to tune 200 to ignore that. It's also your choice to give any thought to what is in the text buffer unless you really are looking to be offended.
Being offended is free, you are a victim, so now you are empowered to be whatever it is you are unhappy about that day and make a stink to all in sundry becasue as a victim you have a get out of jail free card. Ignoring the fool may not make you feel empowered and getting any kind of payback but, it effects the fool since he wanted your reaction. By not ignoring the fool look where you are now.....
POTW has a wall of shame where we screen capture PM's and keep them for posterity to laugh at. Otherwise most of the time we just ignore the fool or pass along the fun on squad channel for a few yuks. We might even send him a squad salute every time that evening a pig towers him. But getting upset in a kiddie game at what some fool says, we all got real lives and most of us know this is a kiddie game with trolling "fools" to be ignored.