That's a nice idea. Not really sure what WBs would bring to the table, as it's more or less an earlier iteration of AH. I wonder what the compromises to mash AH and WWIIOnline together would look like.
Well, WB does have some residual customers. Not as many, but every bit helps.
They still seem to have more name recognition. I don't know why, but they do. I guess just left over glow from the heyday. With their relationship with Microprose, they could bring more press recognition to reforming a combined company. Wild Bill is a dork, but he is a salesman. You don't put someone like that in charge for cripes sake, but they do have their use, properly supervised. A successful company needs a salesman. You need someone out there beating the bushes, smoozing, take press out to lunch, getting free advertising making interviews, making deals, etc. The kind of stuff engineers neglect because they hate that kind of stuff. I'm sure he still has lots of contacts in industry that could be useful and guys like that aren't shy about picking up the phone.
HTC I believe has hands-down the best flight and vehicle model. I also believe their terrain system is superior.
WWIIOL has at least a basic infantry system. It needs work, but it's something. Alpha-dog pilots can sneer and laugh, but that really help broaden the appeal and I'm not sure there are enough flightsim purists left to support a company anymore. I also think their supply and higher level strategic layers have the possibilities.
Bottom line, 3 companies splitting that market simply mean none of them can get enough critical-mass to be healthy and have the resources needed to move forward at a reasonable pace.
You end up with zombie-companies they can just keep the lights on, barely. Yet with bandwidth and server hosting prices coming down over the last two decades, even a company with volunteer developers can limp along for quite a while.
Now I suspect we are headed for another economic downturn in a year or two. That might be the final straw. When that tide goes out, we might figure out who's been skinny-dipping. So maybe two of the three go belly up and release some market to keep the third alive. My fear is none of them have the reserves to survive that stress and all 3 die off and the genre vanishes completely. I hope I'm wrong.
Odds of it happening?